What does the name Kalu mean? What is the meaning of the name Kalu
Meaning of Kalu: Name Kalu in the Igbo origin, means Kalu means God of Thunder. Name Kalu is of Igbo origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Kalu (Namesakes)
- Ifeanyi Kalu
Ifeanyi Kalu is a Nigerian television and film actor, model and fashion designer.
- Orji Uzor Kalu
Orji Uzor Kalu was born on April 21, 1960 to the family of Mr.
- N. D. Kalu
Ndukwe Dike "N. D." Kalu (born August 3, 1975) is a former American football defensive end.
- Kalu Uche
Kalu Uche (born 15 November 1982) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a forward.
- Ikechukwu Kalu
Ikechukwu Kalu (born 18 April 1984 in Kaduna) is a Nigerian footballer who plays as a striker for Singhtarua in the Thai Premier League.
- Maxwell Kalu
Maxwell Kalu (born 23 March 1976 in Aba) is a Nigerian footballer.
- Kalu N'Goma
Kalusivikako N'Goma, known as Kalu N'Goma (last name also spelled as Ngoma) (born August 3, 1977 in Kinshasa) is a retired Democratic Republic of the Congo professional football player.
- Uche Kalu
Uche Kalu (born 16 May 1986) is a Nigerian football player who plays for Altyn Asyr FK in the Turkmenistan Higher League.
- Umeh Kalu
Umeh Kalu Ikwuonwu (born 5 August 1961) is a Nigerian legal practitioner.
- Samuel Kalu
Samuel Kalu (born 26 August 1997) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as winger for French club Bordeaux and the Nigeria national team.
- King Kalu
King Kalu (born (1995-11-11)11 November 1995) is a Nigerian male weightlifter, competing in the 62 kg category and representing Nigeria at international competitions.
- Orji Kalu
Orji Kalu Okogbue (born 9 February 1992) is a Nigerian footballer who currently plays as a Centre-Back for Mouloudia Oujda in the Moroccan Botola.
- Ezinne Kalu
- Kalu Idika Kalu
Kalu Idika Kalu (b.
- Joshua Kalu
Joshua Elekwachi Kalu (born August 28, 1995) is an American football cornerback for the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League (NFL).
- Kalu Michael
Kalu Michael (born November 11, 2000) is a Nigerian professional footballer, who currently plays for Jazeera Sports Club in the Somali First Division
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Kalu Numerology: Name Kalu has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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