What does the name Kalle mean? What is the meaning of the name Kalle
Meaning of Kalle: Name Kalle in the Finnish, French, Swedish origin, means Kalle name means Strong and Manly. Name Kalle is of Finnish, French, Swedish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kalle are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Kalle (Namesakes)
- Kalle Flygt
Kalle Flygt (born 15 June 1976) is a former professional tennis player from Sweden.
- Kalle Rovanperä
Kalle Rovanperä (born October 1, 2000) is a Finnish rally driver.
- Kalle Katz
Kalle Katz (born 4 January 2000) is a Finnish football player for HJK.
- Kalle Koskinen
Kalle Koskinen (born January 3, 1972 in Jyväskylä, Finland) is a defenceman who played for the JYP hockey team in the Finnish SM-liiga.
- Kalle Multanen
Kalle Multanen is a Finnish professional footballer who currently plays for Italian club A.S.D. Giorgione Calcio 2000.
- Kalle Palander
Kalle Markus Palander (born May 2, 1977 in Tornio) is a Finnish retired alpine skier, the most successful male Finn ever in the sport.
- Kalle Kriit
Kalle Kriit (born 13 November 1983 in Elva) is an Estonian professional racing cyclist who last rode for UCI Professional Continental Team Cofidis.
- Kalle Moraeus
Karl Anders "Kalle" "Orsabollen" Moraeus (born 15 July 1963) is a Swedish musician, actor, composer and television presenter.
Moraeus was born in Mora.
- Kalle Holmberg
Karl "Kalle" Albin Elis Holmberg (born 3 March 1993) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a forward for Djurgårdens IF. He was the topscorer during the 2017 allsvenskan season, which gave him a call-up to the Swedish national team.
- Kalle Westerdahl
Kalle Fredrik Åke Sture Westerdahl, born 4 August 1966 in Askim, Gothenburg Municipality) is a Swedish actor.
- Kalle Grundel
Karl-Erik "Kalle" Grundel (born 2 October 1948) is a Swedish former rally driver.
- Kalle Mattson
Kalle Mattson (born Kalle Mattson Wainio, September 21, 1990 in Sault Ste.
- Kalle Hult
Kalle Hult (born May 27, 1995) is a Swedish ice hockey player.
- Raghu
- Kalle Boman
Karl-Axel "Kalle" Boman (born 5 April 1943) is a Swedish film producer based in Gothenburg who has been involved in many works in Swedish cinema for over 50 years.
Raised in Södermalm, he was exposed to a theatre school as a boy through a friend, and had a small role in Ingmar Bergman's 1949 film Prison.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Kalle Numerology: Name Kalle has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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