What does the name Kaja mean? What is the meaning of the name Kaja
Meaning of Kaja: Name Kaja in the German, Nordic origin, means Kaja name means in Old Nordic Chicken, In Estonian Echo and a Free man in German. Name Kaja is of German, Nordic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Kaja are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Kaja (Namesakes)
- Kaja Foglio
Kaja Foglio (born January 12, 1970) is a Seattle-based writer, artist, and publisher.
- Kaja Hanevold
Kaja Hanevold (born 15 May 1980, in Asker) is a Norwegian former competitive figure skater who skates professionally.
- Kaja Rogulj
- Ervis Kaja
- Florina Kaja
Florina "Flo" Kaja (born September 1, 1982) is an American reality television personality, singer and actress native to Staten Island, New York.
- Kaja Norum
Kaja Norum (born April 17, 1989) is a Norwegian model and figurativist painter.
- Kaja Kallas
Kaja Kallas (born 18 June 1977) is an Estonian politician, leader of the Reform Party and a former Member of the European Parliament (MEP), representing the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.
- Kaja Jerina
Kaja Jerina (born 11 September 1992) is a Slovenian footballer playing for ŽNK Radomlje in the SŽNL and the Slovenia national team.
- Egli Kaja
Egli Kaja (born 26 July 1997) is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Northampton Town.
- Kaja Juvan
Kaja Juvan (born 25 November 2000) is a tennis player from Slovenia.
- Kaja Draksler
Kaja Draksler (born 6 February 1987 in Kranj, Slovenia) is a Slovenian pianist and composer.
- Kaja Verdnik
Kaja Verdnik (born 23 February 1999) is a Slovenian snowboarder.
- Kaja Grobelna
Kaja Grobelna (born on January 4, 1995 in Radom) is a Belgian volleyball player of Polish origin, playing as an opposite spiker.
- Kaja Ziomek
Kaja Ziomek (born 3 August 1997) is a Polish speed skater who is specialized in the sprint distances.
- Kaja Skrzek
Kaja Skrzek (born 12 November 1998) is a Polish diver.
- Kaja Eržen
Kaja Eržen (born 21 August 1994) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a defender and has appeared for the Slovenia women's national team.
- Kaja Korošec
Kaja Korošec (born 17 November 2001) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a midfielder and has appeared for the Slovenia women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Kaja Numerology: Name Kaja has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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