What does the name Kaj mean? What is the meaning of the name Kaj
Meaning of Kaj: Name Kaj in the Greek, Scandinavian, Danish origin, means Kaj name means in Greek Earth, in Latin Rejoice. Name Kaj is of Greek, Scandinavian, Danish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Kaj are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Kaj (Namesakes)
- Kaj de Rooij
Kaj de Rooij (born 25 November 2000) is a Dutch football player.
- Kaj-Erik Eriksen
Kaj-Erik Eriksen (born 15 February 1979) is a Canadian actor.
- András Kaj
András Kaj (born 21 December 1977) is a Hungarian football player who currently plays for SC Pinkafeld in Austria.
- Kaj Leo Johannesen
Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen (born 28 August 1964 in Tórshavn) is a Faroese politician.
- Kaj Poulsen
Kaj Kvistgård Poulsen, known as Kaj Poulsen, (born December 31, 1942) is a Danish former association footballer in the striker position, who played 141 games and scored 29 goals for Vejle Boldklub.
- Kaj Ramsteijn
Kaj Ramsteijn (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈkɑj rɐmˈstɛi̯n]; born 17 January 1990) is a Dutch professional footballer who currently plays as a centre back for Aalesunds FK in the Norwegian Tippeligaen.
- Kaj Leo í Bartalsstovu
Kaj Leo í Bartalsstovu (born 23 June 1991) is a Faroese professional footballer, who is currently playing for Icelandic club Valur.
- Kaj Eskelinen
Kaj Matti Juhani Eskelinen (born 21 February 1969) is a Swedish former footballer.
- Kaj Sierhuis
Kaj Sierhuis (born 27 April 1998) is a Dutch footballer who plays for Stade de Reims, as a forward.
- Kaj Linna
Kaj Johannes Linna, né Kaj Juhani Kaukosalo (born 12 May 1962), is a Finnish man who was sentenced to life imprisonment for a robbery-murder in Kalamark outside of Piteå, Sweden on 14 April 2004.
- Kaj Jægergaard
Kaj Jægergaard (born 11 September 1959) is a Danish wrestler.
- Fizzah
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Kaj Numerology: Name Kaj has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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