What does the name Jutta mean? What is the meaning of the name Jutta
Meaning of Jutta: Name Jutta in the Nordic, German origin, means Jutta is a Girl name meaning Land of The Jute. Name Jutta is of Nordic, German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Jutta are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jutta: Jutta is a Girl name meaning Land of The Jute
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Famous people with name Jutta (Namesakes)
- Jutta Kleinschmidt
Jutta Kleinschmidt (born 29 August 1962) is a German competitor of offroad automotive racing events.
- Jutta Müller
Jutta Müller (born Jutta Lötzsch, 13 December 1928) is a German former figure skater and one of the most successful figure skating coaches worldwide.
- Jutta Speidel
Jutta Speidel (born 26 March 1954, in Munich) is a German actress.
- Jutta Niehaus
Judith ("Jutta") Niehaus (born 1 October 1964) is a retired racing cyclist from West Germany, who represented her native country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.
- Jutta Lehtinen
Jutta Lehtinen (born 10 September 1983 in Paimio) is a Finnish actress.
- Jutta Urpilainen
Jutta Pauliina Urpilainen (born 4 August 1975 in Lapua) is a Finnish politician.
- Jutta Zilliacus
Jutta Armelle Zilliacus (born 25 July 1925) is a Helsinki-born Estonian Swedish-language journalist, author, and former Member of Parliament.
- Jutta Brückner
Jutta Brückner (born 25 June 1941) is a German film director, screenwriter and film producer.
- Jutta Wachowiak
Jutta Wachowiak (born 13 December 1940) is a German actress.
- Jutta Höhne
Jutta Höhne (born Popken on 26 March 1951) is a retired German fencer.
- Jutta Hoffmann
Jutta Hoffmann (born 3 March 1941) is a German actress.
- Jutta Stienen
Jutta Stienen (born 3 August 1972) is a Swiss racing cyclist.
- Jutta Lampe
Jutta Lampe (born 13 December 1937) is a German actress.
- Jutta Wanke
Jutta Wanke (born 16 January 1948) is a German former swimmer.
- Jutta Jokiranta
Jutta Maria Jokiranta (née Miettinen; born 14 April 1971 in Salla) is a Finnish theologian and, since 2018, a Professor in Hebrew Bible and cognate studies at the University of Helsinki.
- Jutta Steinruck
Jutta Steinruck (born 1 September 1962) is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party, part of the Party of European Socialists.
- Jutta Krüger
Jutta Krüger (born 22 August 1932) is a German athlete.
- Jutta Leerdam
Jutta Leerdam (born 30 December 1998) is a Dutch speed skater specializing in the sprint events.
- Jutta Weinhold
Jutta Weinhold (born 19 October 1947) is a German rock singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jutta Numerology: Name Jutta has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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