What does the name Justo mean? What is the meaning of the name Justo
Meaning of Justo: Name Justo in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Justo is a Spanish name meaning Fair,Just. Name Justo is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Justo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Justo: Justo is a Spanish name meaning Fair,Just
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Famous people with name Justo (Namesakes)
- Justo Villar
Justo Wilmar Villar Viveros (born 30 June 1977) is a Paraguayan former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Justo Ruiz
Justo Ruiz González (born 31 August 1969) is a retired footballer who played as a midfielder, and the manager of the Andorra under-21 national team.
- Justo Nguema
Justo Nguema Nchama (born 3 December 1988), known as Papu, is an Equatoguinean football midfielder, who plays for Sony de Elá Nguema in the Equatoguinean Premier League.
- Justo Arroyo
Justo Arroyo (born Colón, Republic of Panama, January 5, 1936) is a Panamanian writer and scholar, author of several award-winning stories and novels in his country and abroad.
- Justo Tejada
Justo Tejada Martínez (born 6 January 1933) is a former Spanish footballer who played as a forward.
- Antonio Justo Alcibar
Antonio Justo Alcíbar (born 30 December 1944) is a retired Argentine football player who played for Olympiacos in the 1972–73 season.
Alcíbar also played in the Spanish second division with C.D. San Andrés during the 1974–75 season.
- Justo Jacquet
Justo Pastor Jacquet Muñoz (born 9 September 1961 in Asunción) is a retired football (soccer) defender from Paraguay, who played as a left back during his career.
- Justo Gallego Martínez
Justo Gallego Martínez (also known as Don Justo) (born 20 September 1925 in Mejorada del Campo) is a former monk who has been constructing a cathedral building on his own in the town of Mejorada del Campo in the Community of Madrid, Spain, since 1961.
- Justo Botelho
Justo Botelho (born 20 October 1935) is a Brazilian modern pentathlete.
- Justo Lorente
Justo Lorente Collado (born 27 February 1994) is a Nicaraguan footballer who plays for Juventus Managua.
- Rafael Díaz Justo
Rafael Díaz Justo (born 8 November 1972) is a Spanish racing cyclist.
- Justo Giani
- Justo Fernández
Justo Fernández (born 20 June 1941) is a Mexican sports shooter.
- Justo Moreno
Justo Moreno (born 26 September 1952) is a Peruvian sports shooter.
- Justo Albarracín
Justo Albarracín (born 18 May 1951) is an Argentine equestrian.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Justo Numerology: Name Justo has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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