What does the name Jules mean? What is the meaning of the name Jules
Meaning of Jules: Name Jules in the Latin, French origin, means the word means youthful. They are calm, simple and have a fun side. They are easy to understand.. Name Jules is of Latin, French origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Jules are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Jules (Namesakes)
- Judge Jules
Julius O'Riordan (born 26 October 1966), better known by his stage name Judge Jules, is a British dance music DJ, record producer and entertainment lawyer.
- Danny John-Jules
Danny John-Jules (born 16 September 1960) is a British actor, singer and dancer.
- Jules Feiffer
Jules Ralph Feiffer (born January 26, 1929) is an American cartoonist and author, who was considered the most widely read satirist in the country.
- Jules Asner
Jules Asner (born Julie Ann White; February 14, 1968) is a screenwriter and author as well as a former entertainment journalist, television personality and model.
- Gary Jules
Gary Jules Aguirre Jr. (born 19 March 1969), known as Gary Jules, is an American singer-songwriter, known primarily for his cover version of the Tears for Fears song "Mad World", which he recorded with his friend Michael Andrews for the film Donnie Darko.
- Jules Wijdenbosch
Jules Albert Wijdenbosch (born 2 May 1942 in Paramaribo) is a Surinamese politician who was President of Suriname from 1996 to 2000.
- Jules Shear
Jules Mark Shear (born March 7, 1952) is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist.
- Jules and Gédéon Naudet
Jules Clément Naudet (born April 26, 1973) and Thomas Gédéon Naudet (born March 27, 1970) are French filmmakers known for the documentary film 9/11.
- Jules Jordan
Jules Jordan (born May 25, 1972) is an American adult film actor, director, and producer known for his work in gonzo pornography.
- Jules Lund
- Jules Bass
Jules Bass (born September 16, 1935) is an American director, producer, composer, lyricist, and author.
- Jules Strongbow
Francis Huntington (born November 29, 1952) is an American retired professional wrestler.
- Jules A. Hoffmann
Jules A. Hoffmann (French pronunciation: [ʒyl ɔfman]; born 2 August 1941) is a Luxembourg-born French biologist.
- Jules Sitruk
Jules Sitruk (born April 16, 1990 in Lilas, near Paris) is a French actor, most widely known for his roles in the 2002 Jugnot film Monsieur Batignole and the 2007 Hammer & Tongs film Son of Rambow.
- Jules Kroll
Jules B. Kroll (born May 18, 1941) is an American businessman whose company, Kroll, Inc., is credited with founding the modern corporate investigations industry in 1972.
- Jules Baga
Jules Yves Stephane Baga (born 14 June 1987 in Yaoundé) is a Cameroonian football player, who plays for Eding Sport FC.
- Jules Buckley
Jules Buckley (born 8 January 1980) is an English conductor, composer and arranger.
- Jules Koundé
Jules Olivier Koundé (born 12 November 1998) is a French professional footballer who plays as a defender for Spanish La Liga club Sevilla FC.
- Tyreece John-Jules
Tyreece Romayo John-Jules (born 14 February 2001) is an English professional footballer who plays for Arsenal, as a striker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jules Numerology: Name Jules has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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