What does the name Jukka mean? What is the meaning of the name Jukka
Meaning of Jukka: Name Jukka in the German, Estonian origin, means Jukka is Estonian form of Richard and means strong ruler.. Name Jukka is of German, Estonian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jukka are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jukka (Namesakes)
- Jukka Nevalainen
Jukka Antero "Julius" Nevalainen (born 21 April 1978, in Kitee, Finland) is the former drummer in both the Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish and the Finnish progressive metal band Sethian.
- Jukka Sauso
Jukka Sauso (born 20 June 1982 in Vaasa) is a Finnish footballer who currently plays for Jönköpings Södra IF in Sweden.
- Jukka Tolonen
Jukka Jorma Tolonen (born 16 April 1952) is a Finnish jazz guitarist.
- Jukka Backlund
Jukka Henri Kristian Backlund (born 30 December 1982, Helsinki) is a Finnish music producer and multi-instrumentalist.
- Jukka Santala
Jukka Santala (born 10 September 1985) is a Finnish former footballer who played as a striker.
- Jukka Porvari
Jukka Veikko Porvari (born January 19, 1954 in Tampere, Finland) is a Finnish retired professional ice hockey player who played in the SM-liiga and National Hockey League (NHL).
- Jukka Raitala
Jukka Raitala (born 15 September 1988), is a Finnish professional footballer who represents Finland national team and Montreal Impact.
- Jukka Ikäläinen
Jukka Ikäläinen (born 14 May 1957 in Söderhamn, Sweden) is a retired football midfielder.
- Jukka Sinisalo
Jukka Sinisalo (born 21 May 1982) is a Finnish football player who signed for Veikkausliiga side HIFK in early 2014.
- Jukka Hartonen
Jukka Hartonen (born 14 March 1969 in Kiihtelysvaara) is a Finnish cross-country skier who competed from 1991 to 1998 and again from 2006 to present day.
- Jukka Hildén
Jukka Henry Mikael Hildén (born 3 August 1980) is a Finnish stunt performer, actor, and member of the stunt group The Dudesons.
- Jukka Poika
Jukka Rousu (born 19 July 1980), better known by his stage name Jukka Poika, is a Finnish reggae artist.
- Jukka Mäkelä
Jukka Mäkelä (born July 7, 1960 in Espoo) is a Finnish politician from the National Coalition Party and the current city manager/mayor of Espoo, the second largest city of Finland, since January 1, 2011.
- Jukka Rantala
Jukka Rantala is a retired Finnish association football player who played professionally in Finland and the USL A-League.
- Jukka Heinikainen
Jukka Heinikainen (born 22 July 1972) is a Finnish former racing cyclist.
- Jukka Haavisto
Juhani "Jukka" Haavisto (born June 5, 1930, Alajärvi, Finland) is a Finnish musician with the honorary title of music councilor.
- Jukka Perko
Jukka Perko (born 18 February 1968 in Huittinen, Finland) is a Finnish saxophonist.
- Shamik
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jukka Numerology: Name Jukka has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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