What does the name Jude mean? What is the meaning of the name Jude
Meaning of Jude: Name Jude in the Arabic, Hebrew, Latin origin, means They are very kind to others, believe in charity, nobel, blessed and honored by others. Name Jude is of Arabic, Hebrew, Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Jude (Namesakes)
- Jude Law
David Jude Heyworth Law (born 29 December 1972) is an English actor.
- Jude Ciccolella
Richard Jude Ciccolella (born November 30, 1947) is an American actor and singer.
- Jude Bolton
- Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux (born September 20, 1947 in Fairdale, Kentucky, née Jude Gilliam) is an American author of historical romances.
- Jude Cole
Jude Anthony Cole (born June 18, 1960) is an American singer-songwriter, manager, and record producer.
- Jude Abbott
Jude Abbott (born 4 February 1962) is an English musician, perhaps best known for her work with anarcho-punk and later folk band Chumbawamba.
- David Jude Jolicoeur
David Jude Jolicoeur (born September 21, 1968), also known under the stage name Trugoy the Dove and more recently Dave, is an American rapper, producer, and one third of the hip hop trio De La Soul.
- Jude (singer)
Jude (born Michael Jude Christodal, October 16, 1969, Boston, Massachusetts) is an American singer and songwriter.
- Brian Jude
Brian Jude is an American screenwriter, film producer, director, actor, internet radio host and motivational speaker.
- Jude Wright
Jude Wright (born 14 November 1999) is an English actor.
- Radu Jude
Radu Jude (Romanian: [ˈradu ˈʒude]; born March 28, 1977) is a Romanian film director and screenwriter.
- Jude Demorest
Claire Jude Demorest (born March 11, 1992) is an American actress, singer and songwriter who is known for her roles in Dallas and Star.
- James Jude Courtney
James Jude Courtney (née Herbkersman; born January 31, 1957) is an American actor, stunt double, and stunt performer.
- Jude Bellingham
Jude Victor William Bellingham (born 29 June 2003) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for Championship club Birmingham City.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jude Numerology: Name Jude has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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