What does the name Juanito mean? What is the meaning of the name Juanito
Meaning of Juanito: Name Juanito in the German, Spanish origin, means it is spanish word which means God is gracious or Gift from God. They have passion for their life and impressive nature. They are organized.. Name Juanito is of German, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Juanito are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Juanito: it is spanish word which means God is gracious or Gift from God. They have passion for their life and impressive nature. They are organized.
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Famous people with name Juanito (Namesakes)
- Juanito Oiarzabal
Juan Eusebio Oiarzabal Urteaga (born 30 March 1956), commonly known as Juanito Oiarzabal, is a noted Spanish Basque mountaineer and has written four books on the subject.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1976)
Juan Gutiérrez Moreno (born 23 July 1976), commonly known as Juanito, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a central defender, and a manager.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1980)
Juan Jesús Gutiérrez Robles (born 17 February 1980), known as Juanito, is a Spanish retired footballer who played mainly as a defensive midfielder.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1965)
Juan Francisco Rodríguez Herrera (born 10 May 1965), known as Juanito, is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a central defender.
- Juanito Rubillar
Juanito Rubillar (born February 22, 1977 in Barangay Central, Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines) is a Filipino former professional boxer and current WBC Continental Americas light flyweight champions.
- Juanito Sequeira
Juanito Sequeira (born 14 March 1982) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for ASWH. Sequeira has formerly played for Excelsior, FC Dordrecht and Helmond Sport.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1988)
Juan Calahorro Bares (born 12 May 1988 in Torredonjimeno, Jaén, Andalusia), commonly known as Juanito, is a Spanish footballer who plays as a central defender.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1985)
Juan Ignacio Gómez Taleb (born 20 May 1985), commonly known as Juanito, is an Argentine footballer who plays as a striker in Italy for Gubbio.
- Juanito (footballer, born 1990)
Juan Benítez Ramos (born 10 March 1990), commonly known as Juanito, is a Spanish footballer who plays for Xerez CD as a midfielder.
- Juanito Gallego
Juan "Juanito" Antonio Felipe Gallego (born 24 August 1961) is a Spanish footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Juanito Numerology: Name Juanito has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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