What does the name Jouko mean? What is the meaning of the name Jouko
Meaning of Jouko: Name Jouko in the English origin, means The name depicts an aggressive character in person. People with this name have leadership and forceful qualities. Such people maintain the balance in their life.. Name Jouko is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jouko are usually Sikh by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jouko: The name depicts an aggressive character in person. People with this name have leadership and forceful qualities. Such people maintain the balance in their life.
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Famous people with name Jouko (Namesakes)
- Jouko Hietalahti
Jouko Hietalahti (born 17 August 1944) is a Finnish sports shooter.
- Jouko Ahola
Jouko Ahola (born December 1, 1970) is a Finnish former strongman, power-lifter and actor.
- Jouko Keskinen
Jouko Olavi Keskinen (born 22 October 1950, in Helsinki) is a Finnish actor.
- Jouko Salomäki
Jouko Johannes Salomäki (born 26 August 1962 in Kauhajoki) is a Finnish wrestler and Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling.
- Jouko Halmekoski
Jouko Antero Halmekoski (born 1937, in Asikkala) is a Finnish writer who lives in Kalkkinen, a village near by Asikkala's municipality with his wife Leena Halmekoski.
- Jouko Jääskeläinen
Jouko Jääskeläinen (born March 18, 1952) is a Finnish politician representing the Christian Democrats.
- Jouko Väänänen
Jouko Antero Väänänen (born September 3, 1950 in Rovaniemi, Lapland) is a Finnish mathematical logician known for his contributions to set theory, model theory, logic and foundations of mathematics.
- Jouko Alila
Jouko Alila (born 18 November 1950) is a Finnish footballer.
- Jouko Soini
Jouko Soini (born 2 March 1956) is a Finnish footballer.
- Jouko Lindbergh
Jouko Lindbergh (born 25 August 1947) is a Finnish boxer.
- Jouko Jokinen
Jouko Jokinen (born 30 November 1936) is a Finnish speed skater.
- Jouko Launonen
Jouko Launonen (born 3 June 1939) is a Finnish speed skater.
- Jouko Salakka
Jouko Salakka (born 10 August 1951) is a Finnish speed skater.
- Jouko Leppä
Jouko Leppä (born 16 April 1943) is a Finnish weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jouko Numerology: Name Jouko has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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