What does the name Joss mean? What is the meaning of the name Joss
Meaning of Joss: Name Joss in the Germanic, English origin, means Joss means One og the Goths. Name Joss is of Germanic, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Joss are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Joss: Joss means One og the Goths
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Famous people with name Joss (Namesakes)
- Joss Whedon
Joseph Hill Whedon (; born June 23, 1964) is an American producer, director, screenwriter, comic book writer, and composer.
- Joss Stone
Joscelyn Eve Stoker (born 11 April 1987), better known by her stage name Joss Stone, is an English singer, songwriter, and actress.
- Joss Ackland
Sidney Edmond Jocelyn “Joss” Ackland, CBE (born 29 February 1928) is an English actor who has appeared in more than 130 film and television roles.
- Joss Naylor
Joss Naylor, MBE (born 10 February 1936 at Wasdale Head) is an English fell runner who set many long-distance records, and a sheep farmer, living in the English Lake District.
- Jonathan Joss
Jonathan Joss (born December 22, 1965) is a Native American Comanche and White Mountain Apache actor.
- Robert L. Joss
- Joss Labadie
Joss Christopher Labadie (born 30 August 1990) is an English footballer who plays as a midfielder for Newport County.
- Joss Christensen
Joss Christensen (born December 20, 1991) is an American freestyle skier from Park City, Utah.
- Joss Sheldon
- Sven Joss
Sven Joss (born 18 July 1994) is a Swiss footballer who plays for FC Thun.
- Joss Jaffe
Joss Jaffe (born October 1, 1980) is a musician and producer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Joss Numerology: Name Joss has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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