What does the name Josep mean? What is the meaning of the name Josep
Meaning of Josep: Name Josep in the Hebrew origin, means Joseph means God shall add. Name Josep is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Josep are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Josep (Namesakes)
- Josep Bargalló
Josep Bargalló i Valls (born 3 October 1958) is a Catalan teacher, politician and the current Minister of Education of Catalonia.
- Josep Borrell
Josep Borrell Fontelles (Catalan: [ʒuˈzɛb buˈreʎ funˈteʎəs]; born 24 April 1947) is a Spanish politician, current High Representative of the European Union since 1 December 2019.
- Josep Huguet
Josep Huguet i Biosca (born 8 March 1951) was Minister of Trade, Tourism and Consumer Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya from 20 October 2004 until 12 May 2006 and Minister of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise of the Generalitat de Catalunya from 29 November 2006 to 29 December 2010.
- Josep Maria Fusté
Josep Maria Fusté Blanch (born April 15, 1941) is a retired Spanish footballer who played as a midfielder and who was captain of FC Barcelona during the 1960s and early 1970s.
- Josep Jufré
Josep Jufré Pou (born 5 August 1975 in Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer, Catalonia) is a Spanish former professional road bicycle racer, who competed as a professional between 1999 and 2011.
- Josep Gómes
- Josep Lobató
Josep Lobató i Pérez (born June 16, 1977 in Esplugues de Llobregat) is a Spanish radio and television presenter.
- Josep Ayala
Josep Manel Ayala (born 8 April 1980) is an Andorran international footballer.
- Josep Gombau
Josep Gombau Balague (born 5 June 1976) is a Spanish football manager.
- Josep Maria Mauri
Josep Maria Mauri i Prior (born 21 October 1941) is a Spanish Catholic priest from Catalonia and the current personal representative of the episcopal Co-Prince of Andorra, Archbishop Joan Enric Vives Sicília.
He was born in 1941 in Alzina de Moror, Pallars Jussà, Spain and was ordained a priest in 1965.
- Josep Maria Bartomeu
Josep Maria Bartomeu Floreta (born 6 February 1963) is a Spanish entrepreneur and the current president of FC Barcelona.
- Josep Masachs
Josep Masachs Gelma (born 4 July 1983 in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor) is a Spanish handballer who plays for Știința Municipal Dedeman Bacău in the Romanian Liga Naţională.
- Josep Señé
Josep Señé Escudero (born 10 December 1991) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a right winger for RCD Mallorca.
- Josep Setvalls
Josep "Pep" Setvalls Morera (born 20 August 1974 in Navarcles, Barcelona, Catalonia) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a central midfielder.
- Josep Roig Boada
Josep Roig Boada (born August 6, 1957 in Terrassa, Spain) is a Spanish music composer, producer and sound engineer.
- Josep Martínez
Josep Martínez Riera (born 27 May 1998) is a Spanish footballer who plays for UD Las Palmas as a goalkeeper.
- Josep Oms Pallise
Josep Oms Pallise (born 20 July 1973) is a Catalonia born Spanish chess player who holds the title of Grandmaster (GM) (2007) and from 2003 till 2007 played for Andorra.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Josep Numerology: Name Josep has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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