What does the name Joo mean? What is the meaning of the name Joo
Meaning of Joo: Name Joo in the Australian origin, means it means God will increase his blessings. They get success and have exotic and fun in their life.. Name Joo is of Australian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Joo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Joo: it means God will increase his blessings. They get success and have exotic and fun in their life.
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Famous people with name Joo (Namesakes)
- Kim Hyun-joo
Kim Hyun-joo (born April 24, 1977) is a South Korean actress.
- Han Hyo-joo
Han Hyo-joo (born February 22, 1987) is a South Korean film and television actress.
- Brian Joo
Brian Joo (Korean: 브라이언 주; born January 10, 1981), better known simply as Brian, is an American-born South Korean K-pop and R&B recording artist who is better known as one-half of the R&B duo Fly to the Sky.
- Joo Jin-mo
Joo Jin-mo (born Park Jin-tae on 26 September 1974), is a South Korean actor.
- Park Joo-ho
Park Joo-ho (Korean: 박주호; Korean pronunciation: [pak̚.t͈ɕu.ɦo] or [pak̚] [tɕu.ɦo]; born 16 January 1987) is a South Korean football player who plays as a defender for Ulsan Hyundai FC. A versatile player, his primary position is left-back but he is also able play in midfield as a defensive or wide midfielder.
- Joo Hyun
Joo Hyun (born Joo Il-choon, 1 March 1943) is a South Korean actor.
- Joo Sang-wook
Joo Sang-wook (Korean: 주상욱; born July 18, 1978) is a South Korean actor.
- Joo Won
Joo Won (Korean: 주원; born Moon Jun-won on September 30, 1987) is a South Korean actor best known for his roles in King of Baking, Kim Takgu (2010), Ojakgyo Family (2011), Bridal Mask (2012), Good Doctor (2013), Fatal Intuition (2015), Yong-pal (2015) and My Sassy Girl (2017).
- On Joo-wan
On Joo-wan (born Song Jeong-sik on December 11, 1983) is a South Korean actor.
- Joo (singer)
Jung Min-joo (born October 11, 1990), known professionally as Joo or Arin, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Son Hyun-joo
Son Hyun-joo (born June 24, 1965) is a South Korean actor.
- Na Tae-joo
Na Tae-joo (born December 21, 1990) is a South Korean actor, singer and taekwondo practitioner.
- Nam Joo-hyuk
Nam Joo-hyuk (born February 22, 1994) is a South Korean model and actor.
- Kim Nam-joo (singer)
Kim Nam-joo (born April 15, 1995), better known by the mononym Namjoo, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Soo Joo Park
Soo Joo Park, (born Park Suju, March 26, 1986) is a Korean-American fashion model and DJ. She is the first Asian-American woman to be a L'Oréal spokemodel.
- Jin Ki-joo
Jin Ki-joo (born January 26, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Lee Joo-young (actress, born 1992)
Lee Joo-young (born February 14, 1992) is a South Korean actress.
- Jung Gun-joo
Jung Gun-Joo (born May 26, 1995) is a South Korean actor.
- Kim Joo-hun
Kim Joo-hun (born March 1, 1980) is a South Korean actor under S.A.L.T Entertainment.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Joo Numerology: Name Joo has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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