What does the name Jone mean? What is the meaning of the name Jone
Meaning of Jone: Name Jone in the American, Basque, Danish origin, means people with this name are joyful and haven refreshing sort of personality. They love to travel and are sensitive in nature. They are attractive and have elegant appearance.. Name Jone is of American, Basque, Danish origin and is a Unisex name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jone: people with this name are joyful and haven refreshing sort of personality. They love to travel and are sensitive in nature. They are attractive and have elegant appearance.
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Famous people with name Jone (Namesakes)
- Alex Jones
Alexander Emric (or Emerick) Jones (born February 11, 1974) is a far-right American radio show host and conspiracy theorist.
- Jone Delai
Jone Delai (born September 5, 1967) is a Fijian sprinter.
- Jone Samuelsen
Jone Samuelsen (born 6 July 1984) is a former Norwegian footballer.
- Jone Daunivucu
Jone Daunivucu (born 1 June 1977 in Lautoka) is a Fijian rugby union player.
- Jone Tawake
Jone Tawake (born 17 April 1982), is a Fijian born rugby union player.
- Jone Qovu
Jone Qovu Nailiko (born Sigatoka, 27 August 1985) is a Fijian rugby union player.
- Jone Spartano
Jone Spartano (born December 8, 1927 in Castellammare di Stabia) is a retired Italian professional football player.
- Jone Usamate
Jone Usamate (born 2 April 1962, in Suva) is a Fijian politician, who is currently serving as the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Disaster Management and Meteorological Services in the Fijian government.
Usamate studied at the Suva Infant School, Veiuto Primary, Levuka Public and the then Kalabu Fijian before attending Lelean Memorial School from 1974 to 1979.
- Jone Macilai-Tori
Jone Macilai-Tori (born 27 August 1990 in Suva, Fiji), is a professional rugby union player.
- Jone Pinto
Jone da Silva Pinto, commonly known as Jone or Pinto is a Brazilian footballer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Jone Numerology: Name Jone has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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