What does the name Johanne mean? What is the meaning of the name Johanne
Meaning of Johanne: Name Johanne in the French, Danish origin, means God has favoured ,he is merciful benovlent ,kind and gracious. Name Johanne is of French, Danish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Johanne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Johanne (Namesakes)
- Johanne Delisle
Johanne Delisle (born 18 May 1951) is a Canadian rower.
- Johanne Thomsen
Johanne Thomsen (born 17 August 1982) is a Danish rower.
- Johanne Charest
Johanne Charest (born 9 February 1975) is a Canadian Woman International Master (WIM) (1996).
- Johanne Deschamps
Johanne Deschamps (born April 2, 1959 in Saint-Jovite, Quebec) is a Canadian politician.
- Alain Johannes
Alain Johannes Mociulski (born May 2, 1962) is a Chilean-American multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, whose primary instruments are guitar and bass.
- Johanne Gonthier
Johanne Gonthier (born November 3, 1954 in Montreal, Quebec) is a Canadian politician.
- Johanne Morasse
Johanne Morasse (born March 12, 1957 in Duparquet, Quebec) is a Quebec politician and teacher.
- Johannes Roberts
Johannes Roberts (born 24 May 1976) is a British film director, producer, and writer who is mainly known for horror and thriller films.
- Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen
Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen (born 22 February 1984 in Odense) is a former member of the Danish parliament for the Red-Green Alliance.
- Johanne Gauthier
Johanne Gauthier (born September 11, 1955) is a judge currently serving on the Federal Court of Appeal.
- Johannes Brandrup
Johannes Brandrup (born 7 January 1967) is a German actor.
- Johanne Blouin
Johanne Blouin (born September 19, 1955), is a Canadian singer-songwriter.
- Johanne Defay
Johanne Defay is a French professional surfer.
- Johanne Killi
- Johanne Hildebrandt
Johanne Hildebrandt (born 15 April 1964) is a Swedish journalist and novelist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Johanne Numerology: Name Johanne has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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