What does the name Joann mean? What is the meaning of the name Joann
Meaning of Joann: Name Joann in the English origin, means Joann is an English female name that means God is gracious. It is a variant of the name Joan, and originates from the Hebrew name Yochanan.. Name Joann is of English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Joann are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Joann (Namesakes)
- Joann Sfar
Joann Sfar (French: [ʒoan sfaʁ]; born 28 August 1971) is a French comics artist, comic book creator, novelist, and film director.
- Joann Fletcher
Joann Fletcher (born 30 August 1966) is an Egyptologist and an honorary visiting professor in the department of archaeology at the University of York.
- JoAnn Rosario
Joann Judith Rosario-Condrey (born June 3, 1974) is an American gospel/CCM singer, and a pastor.
- JoAnn Willette
JoAnn Willette (born October 12, 1963) is an American actress.
- Lisa Joann Thompson
Lisa Joann Thompson (born April 22, 1969) is an American dancer, choreographer, actress, and model involved in multiple areas of show business.
- Joann Aalfs
Joann Aalfs (born March 29, 1923) is an American women's rights and LGBT rights activist.
- Joann Novoa Mossberger
María Joann Novoa Mossberger (born 13 April 1961) is a Mexican politician from the National Action Party.
- Joann Downey
Joann Kagan Downey (born October 31, 1966) is an American Democratic Party politician representing the 11th Legislative District in the New Jersey General Assembly.
- Joann Baker
Joann Baker (born 24 November 1960) is a Canadian swimmer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Joann Numerology: Name Joann has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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