What does the name Jing mean? What is the meaning of the name Jing
Meaning of Jing: Name Jing in the Chinese origin, means Chinesee - Essence, Perfect; Clear, Crystal; Capital City. Name Jing is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Jing (Namesakes)
- Jing Tian
Jing Tian (Chinese: 景甜, born 21 July 1988) is a Chinese actress.
- Jing Ying
(Chinese: 景影; pinyin: Jǐng Yǐng; born 8 September 1981) is a Chinese sprint canoer who competed in the mid-2000s.
- Wong Jing
Wong Jing (Chinese: 王晶; pinyin: Wáng Jīng born 3 May 1955) is a Hong Kong film director, producer, actor, presenter, and screenwriter.
- Jing Junhong
Jing Junhong, also stylized as Jing Jun Hong (Chinese: 井浚泓; pinyin: Jǐng Jùnhóng; born October 13, 1968), is a former professional table tennis player.
- Jing Haipeng
Jing Haipeng (simplified Chinese: 景海鹏; traditional Chinese: 景海鵬; pinyin: Jǐng Hǎipéng; born October 24, 1966) is a Chinese pilot and astronaut selected as part of the Shenzhou program.
- Ning Jing
Ning Jing (Chinese: 宁静; born April 27, 1972) is a Chinese actress of mixed Han and Nakhi descent.
- Jing Abalos
Jing Abalos (born September 17, 1941) is a Filipino actor.
- Jing Boran
Jing Boran (Chinese: 井柏然; pinyin: Jǐng Bórán; born 19 April 1989) is a Chinese actor and singer who achieved popularity after becoming the champion at the 2007 talent contest My Hero.
- Li Jing (TV presenter)
Regine Wu (Chinese: 吳明恩; pinyin: Wú Míng'ēn; born 25 October 1962), known professionally as Li Jing (Chinese: 利菁; pinyin: Lì Jìng), is a Taiwanese television show hostess and model who is notable for being Taiwan's first mainstream transsexual entertainer.
- Ai Jing
Ai Jing (Chinese: 艾敬; pinyin: Ài Jìng; born 10 September 1969 in Shenyang, Liaoning) is a mainland Chinese singer and painter.
- Ren Jing
Ren Jing (Chinese: 任靖; pinyin: Rén Jìng) is a Chinese professional tennis player.
- Chai Jing
Chai Jing (Chinese: 柴静; pinyin: Chái Jìng; born on January 1, 1976) is a Chinese journalist, former television host, author and environmental activist.
- Zhu Jing
June Zhu or Zhu Jing (Chinese:朱婧; born April 18, 1988), born Yue Hanzan (月罕瓒), is a folk singer of Dai ethnicity from Yunnan, China.
- Wu Jing (actor)
Wu Jing (born 3 April 1974) is a Chinese martial artist, actor and director.
- Liang Jing
Liang Jing (born July 17, 1972) is a Chinese actress..
- Jing Wen
Li Jingwen (Chinese: 李静雯; born 1993), professionally known as Jing Wen, is a Chinese fashion model.
- Jing Chao
Jing Chao (Chinese: 经超, born 15 April 1986) is a Chinese actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Jing Numerology: Name Jing has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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