What does the name Jimmie mean? What is the meaning of the name Jimmie
Meaning of Jimmie: Name Jimmie in the Australian origin, means responsible, diplomatic and have desire to face challenges and are adventourous. They can easily change their habits because of having dynamic nature.. Name Jimmie is of Australian origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Jimmie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jimmie (Namesakes)
- Jimmie Jansson
Jimmie Jansson (born July 30, 1994) is a Swedish ice hockey defenceman.
- Clayton Jimmie
Clayton Jimmie (born 10 July 1995) is a South African swimmer.
- Jimmie Strimell
Jimmie Strimell (born 3 December 1980) is a Swedish singer and composer.
- Jimmie Allen
James Edward Allen (born June 18, 1986) is an American country music singer and songwriter.
- Jimmie Dale Gilmore
- Jimmie Rodgers (pop singer)
James Frederick Rodgers (born September 18, 1933 in Camas, Washington) is an American singer.
- Jimmie Nicol
James George Nicol (born 3 August 1939) is an English drummer and business entrepreneur.
- Jimmie Walker
James Carter Walker Jr. (born June 25, 1947) is an American actor and comedian.
- Jimmie Johnson
Jimmie Kenneth Johnson (born September 17, 1975) is an American professional stock car racing driver.
- Jimmie Vaughan
Jimmie Lawrence Vaughan (born March 20, 1951, Oak Cliff, Dallas County, Texas, United States) is an American blues rock guitarist and singer based in Austin, Texas.
- Jimmie Åkesson
Per Jimmie Åkesson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈjɪ̌mːɪ ˈôːkɛˌsɔn]; born 17 May 1979) is a Swedish author and politician, serving as leader of the Sweden Democrats since 2005.
- Jimmie Giles
Jimmie Giles, Jr. (born November 8, 1954) is a former professional American football player who was drafted by the Houston Oilers in the third round of the 1977 NFL Draft.
- Jimmie Macgregor
- Jimmie Durham
Jimmie Durham (born 1940) is an American sculptor, essayist and poet, living and working in Europe since 1994.
- Jimmie Massie
James Pleasants Massie III (born May 3, 1958) is an American politician of the Republican Party.
- Jimmie Rivera
Jimmie Ernesto Rivera (born June 29, 1989) is an American professional mixed martial artist of Puerto Rican and Italian descent, who competes in UFC's Bantamweight division.
- Jimmie Ward
James "Jimmie" Neko Suave Ward (born July 18, 1991) is an American football free safety for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Jimmie Numerology: Name Jimmie has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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