What does the name Jillian mean? What is the meaning of the name Jillian
Meaning of Jillian: Name Jillian in the English, Latin origin, means A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.. Name Jillian is of English, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Jillian are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jillian: A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
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Famous people with name Jillian (Namesakes)
- Jillian Barberie
Jillian Marie Barberie (née Warry; born September 26, 1966) is a Canadian-born American television hostess, sportscaster, radio personality and actress.
- Jillian Hall
Jillian Faye Hall (née Fletcher; September 6, 1980) is an American retired professional wrestler and singer best known for her time in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).
- Ann Jillian
Ann Jillian (born January 29, 1950) is an American actress whose career began as a child actress in the 1960s.
- Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels (born February 18, 1974) is an American personal trainer, businesswoman, author and television personality from Los Angeles, California.
- Jillian Armenante
Jillian Armenante (born July 5, 1968) is an American television and film actress, known for playing the role of Donna Kozlowski on the TV show Judging Amy.
- Jillian Clare
Jillian Clare (born July 25, 1992) is an American actress and singer.
- Jillian Harris
Jillian Harris (born December 30, 1979) is a Canadian television personality and interior designer.
- Jillian York
Jillian C. York (born May 18, 1982) is an American free-expression activist, the Director of International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and a founding member of Deep Lab.
- Jillian Ward
Jillian Ward (born February 23, 2005) is a Filipina teen actress, commercial model and singer.
- Jillian Lauren
- Jillian Dempsey
Jillian T. Dempsey (born January 19, 1991) is an American ice hockey player who currently plays for the Boston Pride in the National Women's Hockey League.
- Jillian Rose Reed
Jillian Rose Reed (born December 20, 1991) is an American actress.
- Jillian Bell
Jillian Leigh Bell (born April 25, 1984) is an American comedian, actress, and screenwriter.
- Jillian Bach
Jillian Bach (born April 27, 1973) is an American actress.
- Jillian Hervey
Jillian Kristin Hervey (born June 19, 1989) is an American singer, dancer and member of the group Lion Babe.
- Jillian Janson
- Jillian Edwards
Jillian Anita Chapman (known professionally as Jillian Edwards; born November 28, 1988) is an American singer-songwriter who primarily plays indie folk and indie pop.
- Jillian Mele
Jillian Mele (born September 17, 1982) is an American news anchor and reporter who serves as a co-host on Fox & Friends First, based in New York City.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jillian Numerology: Name Jillian has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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