What does the name Jie mean? What is the meaning of the name Jie
Meaning of Jie: Name Jie in the Chinese origin, means Chinesee - One who is Pure; Chaste. Name Jie is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jie are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Jie (Namesakes)
- Zha Jie
Zha Jie (Chinese: 查杰; pinyin: Zhā Jié, born April 11, 1994) is a Chinese actor and model.
- Kong Jie
Kong Jie (Chinese: 孔杰; pinyin: Kǒng Jié; born 25 November 1982) is a Chinese professional Go player.
- Li Jie (Go player)
Jie Li (李捷, born May 31, 1981) is a strong amateur Go player.
- Zhou Jie
Zhou Jie (周杰; born August 5, 1970) is a Chinese actor and singer, best known for his works on two television series as Fu Erkang in the My Fair Princess trilogy and as Yang Kang in The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2003).
- Dong Jie
Dong Jie (Chinese: 董洁, born 19 April 1980) is a Chinese actress and dancer.
Dong made her debut in Zhang Yimou's Happy Times (2000) (Yimou girl), playing a blind girl mistreated by her stepmother.
- Deng Jie
Deng Jie (simplified Chinese: 邓婕; traditional Chinese: 鄧婕, born October 21, 1958) is a television actress and producer in China.
- He Jie
He Jie (simplified Chinese: 何洁; traditional Chinese: 何潔; pinyin: Hé Jié; born 25 March 1986), also known as Angel He or J.HE, is a Chinese singer.
- Bai Jie
Bai Jie (simplified Chinese: 白洁; traditional Chinese: 白潔; pinyin: Bái Jié; born March 28, 1972 in Hebei, China) is a Chinese footballer who made 139 appearances for the China women's national football team and was part their second-place performance at the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup.
- Ding Jie
Ding Jie (Chinese: 丁捷; Pinyin: Dīng Jié; born April 29, 1987) is a professional Chinese footballer.
- Jie Ma
- Yu Jie
Yu Jie (Chinese: 余杰), is a Chinese-American writer and Calvinist democracy activist.
- Hao Jie
Hao Jie (born 16 October 1984) is a Chinese professional tennis player.
- Park Jie-won
Park Jie-won(Korean: 박지원; Hanja: 朴智源; born 5 June 1942) is a South Korean politician.
- Ke Jie
Ke Jie (simplified Chinese: 柯洁; traditional Chinese: 柯潔; pinyin: Kē Jié; born 2 August 1997) is a Chinese professional Go player of 9 dan rank.
- Mei Jie
Mei Jie (Chinese: 梅杰; pinyin: Méi Jié) (born February 4, 1994) is a Chinese curler.
- Liang Jie (actress)
Liang Jie (Chinese: 梁洁, born June 16, 1994) is a Chinese actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Jie Numerology: Name Jie has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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