What does the name Jiang mean? What is the meaning of the name Jiang
Meaning of Jiang: Name Jiang in the Chinese origin, means Jiang means the flowing river with a constant speed. Means a determind and contant person.. Name Jiang is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jiang are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jiang: Jiang means the flowing river with a constant speed. Means a determind and contant person.
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Famous people with name Jiang (Namesakes)
- Jiang Chen
Jiang Chen (Chinese: 姜晨; pinyin: Jiāng Chén; born 24 June 1986 in Dalian, Liaoning) is a Chinese football player.
- Jiang Zemin
Jiang Zemin (UK: , US: ; born 17 August 1926) is a Chinese retired politician who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2002 as Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2004 and as President of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 2003.
- Jiang Yanyong
Jiang Yanyong (born October 4, 1931) is a Chinese physician who publicized a coverup of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in China.
- Jiang Wen
Jiang Wen (born 5 January 1963) is a Chinese film actor, screenwriter, and director.
- Jiang Mianheng
Jiang Mianheng (Chinese: 江绵恒; born 1 April 1951) is a Chinese physicist and business executive.
- Jiang Qinqin
Jiang Qinqin (Chinese: 蒋勤勤; pinyin: Jiǎng Qínqín, born 3 September 1975) is a Chinese actress.
- Mingjiu Jiang
Mingjiu Jiang (simplified Chinese: 江鸣久; traditional Chinese: 江鳴久; pinyin: Jiāng Míngjiǔ, born July 15, 1957 in Shandong, China) is a Chinese professional Go player, and the elder brother of Jiang Zhujiu.
- Jiang Wu
Jiang Wu (born 4 November 1967) is a Chinese actor.
- Jiang Yuyuan
Jiang Yuyuan (also Yuyan; simplified Chinese: 江钰源; traditional Chinese: 江鈺源; pinyin: Jiāng Yùyuán; born November 1, 1991 in Liuzhou, Guangxi) is a retired Chinese gymnast.
- Jiang Jianqing
- Vivi Jiang
Jiang Yingrong (Chinese: 江映蓉; pinyin: Jiāng Yìngróng; born 1 February 1988), also known as Vivi Jiang, is a Chinese singer.
- Jiang Xin
Jiang Xin (Chinese: 蒋欣; born 8 May 1983), also known by her English name Rulu Jiang, is a Chinese actress.
- Jiang Dawei
Jiang Dawei (born January 22, 1947) is a Chinese folk singer, best known for a number of hit songs such as the theme song for the 1986 TV series Journey to the West.
- Jiang Yiyan
Jiang Yiyan (Chinese: 江一燕; pinyin: Jiāng Yīyàn; born Jiang Yan on September 11, 1983) is a Chinese actress and singer.
- Jiang Shuying
Jiang Shuying (Chinese: 江疏影, born 1 September 1986), also known as Maggie Jiang, is a Chinese actress.
- Jiang Xiujie
Jiang Xiujie (Chinese: 姜秀杰; pinyin: Jiang Xiujie, born 5 January 1989) is a Chinese professional racing cyclist.
- Jiang Chao
Jiang Chao (Chinese: 姜潮, born 12 August 1991), also known as Jo Jiang, is a Chinese actor and singer.
- Jiang Jinfu
Jiang Jinfu (simplified Chinese: 蒋劲夫; traditional Chinese: 蔣勁夫; pinyin: Jiǎng Jìngfū, born 2 September 1991) is a Chinese actor and model.
- Jiang Yiyi
Jiang Yiyi (Chinese: 蒋依依, born 1 January 2001) is a Chinese actress.
- Jiang Shigong
Jiang Shigong (born 11 November 1967; Chinese: 强世功) is a Chinese legal and political theorist, currently a professor at Peking University Law School, and a researcher on Hong Kong affairs.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Jiang Numerology: Name Jiang has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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