What does the name Jessy mean? What is the meaning of the name Jessy
Meaning of Jessy: Name Jessy in the Hebrew origin, means Wealthy. Name Jessy is of Hebrew origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Jessy are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Jessy (Namesakes)
- Sally Jessy Raphael
Sally Lowenthal (born February 25, 1935), better known as Sally Jessy Raphael, is an American former talk show host known for her talk show program Sally (originally titled The Sally Jessy Raphael Show).
- Jessy Schram
Jessica "Jessy" Schram (born January 15, 1986) is an American actress and model.
- Jessy De Smet
Jessy De Smet, whose stage name is Jessy (born 8 July 1976, Zottegem, Belgium), is a Belgian dance music singer of Flemish origin.
- Jessy Mendiola
Jessy Mendiola (born December 3, 1992) is a Filipino actress.
- Jessy Greene
Jessy Greene is a violinist, cellist and vocalist from St.
- Jessy Terrero
Jessy Terrero (born October 7, 1972) is a Dominican film and music video director.
- Jessy J
Jessica Arellano (born December 20, 1982), better known by her stage name Jessy J, is an American musician in the Smooth jazz music genre.
- Jessy Matador
Jessy Kimbangi, better known by his stage name Jessy Matador, (born 27 October 1983) is a French-Congolese singer.
- Jessy Kramer
Jessy Anna Kramer (born 16 February 1990) is a Dutch handball player for Toulon Handball and the Dutch national team.
She participated at the 2011 World Women's Handball Championship in Brazil and was a part of the Dutch squad that won silver at the 2015 World Women's Handball Championship in Denmark.
- Jessy Mayele
Jessy Mayele (born 11 February 1991 in Kinshasa) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a winger.
- Jessy Moulin
Jessy Moulin (born 13 January 1986) is a French footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Saint-Étienne in Ligue 1.
- Jessy Hodges
Jessy Hodges (born 1986) is an American actress.
- Jessy Pi
Jessy Pi (born 24 September 1993) is a French professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Ligue 2 club Caen.
- Jessy Lanza
Jessy Lanza is a Canadian electronic songwriter, producer, and vocalist from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- Jessy Bénet
Jessy Bénet (born 24 January 1995) is a French proefssional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Championnat National team Grenoble.
- Jessy Tremouliere
Jessy Tremouliere (born 29 July 1992) is a French female rugby union player.
- Jessy Druyts
- Jessy Deminguet
Jessy Deminguet (born 7 January 1998) is a French footballer who plays as a midfielder for the club Stade Malherbe Caen in the French Ligue 1.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Jessy Numerology: Name Jessy has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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