What does the name Jesper mean? What is the meaning of the name Jesper
Meaning of Jesper: Name Jesper in the French, Danish origin, means Jasperstone a nourishing, warm and protective stone. Name Jesper is of French, Danish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jesper are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jesper (Namesakes)
- Jesper Grønkjær
Jesper Grønkjær (Danish pronunciation: [ˈjespɐ ˈkʁɶnˌkʰeˀɐ̯]; born 12 August 1977) is a Danish former professional footballer.
- Jesper Parnevik
Jesper Bo Parnevik (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈjɛ̌sːpɛr ˈpɑ̂ːɳɛˌviːk]; born 7 March 1965) is a Swedish professional golfer.
- Jesper Blomqvist
Lars Jesper Blomqvist (Swedish pronunciation: [lɑːʂ ˈjɛ̌sːpɛr ˈblʊ̂mːkvɪst]; born 5 February 1974) is a Swedish former footballer who played as a left winger.
- Jesper Strömblad
Clas Håkan Jesper Strömblad (born 28 November 1972) is a Swedish musician who is the guitarist of the bands Dimension Zero and Cyhra, formerly In Flames and The Resistance.
- Jesper Olsen
Jesper Olsen (born 20 March 1961) is a Danish former footballer who played for Ajax of the Netherlands and Manchester United of England, among other teams.
- Jesper Kyd
Jesper Kyd Jakobson (; born February 3, 1972) is a Danish composer and sound designer, who has worked on various video game, television, and film projects.
- Jesper Christiansen
Jesper Ringsborg Christiansen (born 24 April 1978) is a Danish professional footballer, who plays as a goalkeeper.
- Jesper Hansen
Jesper Hansen (born 31 March 1985) is a Danish professional footballer.
- Jesper Christensen
Jesper Christensen (Danish pronunciation: [ˈjespɐ ˈkʰʁestn̩sn̩]; born 16 May 1948) is a Danish actor.
- Jesper Westermark
Jesper Jonasson Westermark (born 25 July 1993) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Ljungskile SK as a forward.
- Jesper Rönndahl
Jesper Rönndahl (born 27 June 1979) is a Swedish TV-host, stand-up comedian and radio personality.
- Jesper Tjäder
Jesper Tjäder (born 22 May 1994) is a Swedish freestyle skier.
- Jesper Gustavsson
Jesper Gustavsson (born 29 October 1994) is a Swedish footballer who plays as a midfielder for Mjällby AIF. He made his debut in Allsvenskan for Mjällby on 19 August 2013 as an 18-year-old against Helsingborgs IF.
- Jesper Karlström
Jesper Karlström (born 21 June 1995) is a Swedish footballer who plays for Djurgårdens IF as a midfielder.
- Jesper Karlsson
Jesper Karlsson (born 25 July 1998) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays for IF Elfsborg in Allsvenskan.
- Jesper Højer
Jesper Højer (born 5 September 1978) is a Danish businessman.
- Jesper Lindstrøm
Jesper Grænge Lindstrøm (Danish pronunciation: [ˈle̝nˌstʁɶmˀ]; born 29 February 2000), commonly known as Jobbe, is a Danish professional football midfielder who plays for Danish Superliga club Brøndby IF. He has represented Denmark at under-19 level.
- Jesper Horsted
Jesper Horsted (born February 27, 1997) is an American football tight end for the Chicago Bears of the National Football League (NFL).
- Jesper Tolinsson
Jesper Tolinsson (born 28 February 2003) is a Swedish footballer who plays for IFK Göteborg as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Jesper Numerology: Name Jesper has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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