What does the name Jerry mean? What is the meaning of the name Jerry
Meaning of Jerry: Name Jerry in the English, Germanic origin, means Germanic - Brave with Spear; Spear Ruler; A pet form of Gerald. Name Jerry is of English, Germanic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jerry are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jerry: Germanic - Brave with Spear; Spear Ruler; A pet form of Gerald
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Famous people with name Jerry (Namesakes)
- Jerry Seinfeld
Jerome Allen Seinfeld ( SYNE-feld; born April 29, 1954) is an American comedian, actor, writer, producer, and director.
- Jerry Yang
Jerry Chih-Yuan Yang (Chinese: 楊致遠; born November 6, 1968) is a Taiwanese-American computer programmer, internet entrepreneur, and venture capitalist.
- Jerry Jones
Jerral Wayne "Jerry" Jones (born October 13, 1942) is an American billionaire businessman and has been the owner of the National Football League (NFL)'s Dallas Cowboys since 1989.
- Jerry Brown
Edmund Gerald Brown Jr. (born April 7, 1938) is an American politician who served as the 34th and 39th governor of California from 1975 to 1983 and from 2011 to 2019.
- Jerry Stiller
Gerald Isaac Stiller (born June 8, 1927) is an American comedian and actor.
- Jerry Cantrell
Jerry Fulton Cantrell Jr. (born March 18, 1966) is an American musician, singer-songwriter and guitarist best known as the founder, lead guitarist, co-lead vocalist and main songwriter of the rock band Alice in Chains.
- Jerry O'Connell
Jeremiah O'Connell (born February 17, 1974) is an American actor, director and talk show host, known for his roles as Quinn Mallory in the television series Sliders, Andrew Clements in My Secret Identity, Vern Tessio in the film Stand by Me (1986), Joe in Joe's Apartment (1996), Frank Cushman in Jerry Maguire (1996), Derek in Scream 2 (1997), Charlie Carbone in Kangaroo Jack (2003), and Detective Woody Hoyt on the drama Crossing Jordan.
- Jerry Hall
Jerry Faye Hall (born July 2, 1956) is an American model and actress.
- Jerry Rice
Jerry Lee Rice Sr. (born October 13, 1962) is an American former professional football player who was a wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL), primarily with the San Francisco 49ers.
- Jerry Lawler
Jerry O'Neil Lawler (born November 29, 1949), better known as Jerry "The King" Lawler, is an American color commentator and semi retired professional wrestler.
- Jerry Yan
Jerry Yan (Chinese: 言承旭; pinyin: Yán Chéngxù), born Liao Yangzhen (Chinese: 廖洋震; pinyin: Liào Yángzhèn), is a Taiwanese actor, model and singer.
- Jerry Zucker
Jerry G. Zucker (born March 11, 1950) is an American film producer, director, and writer known for his role in directing comedy spoof films such as Airplane! and Top Secret!, and the Best Picture-nominated supernatural drama film Ghost.
Jerry Zucker and his older brother, David Zucker, collaborated on several films.
- Jerry Reinsdorf
Jerry Michael Reinsdorf (born February 25, 1936) is a CPA, lawyer and an owner of the NBA's Chicago Bulls and the MLB's Chicago White Sox.
- Jerry Sags
Jerome Saganowich (born July 5, 1964) is an American professional wrestler best known as Jerry Sags.
- Jerry Adler
Jerry Adler (born February 4, 1929) is an American theatre director, and producer, and television and film actor.
- Jerry Trainor
Gerald William Trainor (born January 21, 1977) is an American actor, comedian and musician.
- Jerry Springer
Gerald Norman Springer (born February 13, 1944) is an English-American television presenter, politician, news presenter, actor, producer, musician, and former lawyer.
- Jerry Horton
- Jerry Jeudy
Jerry Davarus Jeudy (born April 24, 1999) is an American football wide receiver for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL).
- Nugai
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jerry Numerology: Name Jerry has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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