What does the name Jere mean? What is the meaning of the name Jere
Meaning of Jere: Name Jere in the Finnish origin, means Diminutive of name Jeremiah (May the Lord's name will be exalted).. Name Jere is of Finnish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jere are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jere: Diminutive of name Jeremiah (May the Lord's name will be exalted).
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Famous people with name Jere (Namesakes)
- Jere Beasley
Jere Locke Beasley (born December 12, 1935) is an American trial attorney and politician; he served as acting governor of the US state of Alabama from June 5 to July 7, 1972.
- Jere Lehtinen
Jere Kalervo Lehtinen (born June 24, 1973) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey forward.
- Jere Burns
Jere Eugene Burns II (born October 15, 1954) is an American actor who has appeared in theatre productions and on television.
- Besnat Jere
Besnat Hellen Jere (born 4 May 1952) is a Zambian politician.
- Jere Karalahti
Jere Juhani Karalahti (born March 25, 1975) is a retired Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Jered Weaver
Jered David Weaver (born October 4, 1982) is an American former professional baseball starting pitcher.
- Jere H. Lipps
Jere Henry Lipps (August 28, 1939) is Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley, and Curator of Paleontology at the University of California Museum of Paleontology.
- Jere Fields
Jerelyn Fields (born July 2, 1959) better known as Jere Fields is an American former actress.
- Jere Strittmatter
Jere L. Strittmatter (born April 11, 1950) is a former Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
- Jere Schuler
Jere W. Schuler is a former Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
- Jere Pulli
Jere Pulli (born June 17, 1991) is a Finnish ice hockey defenceman.
- Jere Uronen
Jere Uronen (born 13 July 1994) is a Finnish football full back who plays for Belgian club Genk and represents the Finland national football team.
- Jere Morehead
Jere Wade Morehead (born November 25, 1956) is the 22nd and current president of the University of Georgia.
- Jere Laaksonen
Jere Laaksonen (born February 28, 1991) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Jere Seppälä
Jere Seppala (born January 4, 1993) is a Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Jere Elo
Jere Elo (born March 7, 1992) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Jere Rouhiainen
Jere Rouhiainen (born January 26, 1996) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Jere Shea
Jere Shea (born June 14, 1965) is an American actor.
- Jere Forsberg
Jere Forsberg (born 3 March 1994) is a Finnish Paralympic archer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Jere Numerology: Name Jere has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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