What does the name Jeppe mean? What is the meaning of the name Jeppe?
Meaning of Jeppe: Name Jeppe in the Scandinavian origin, means The person who illegally holds the place of another person.. Name Jeppe is of Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jeppe are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jeppe: The person who illegally holds the place of another person.
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Famous people with name Jeppe (Namesakes)
- Jeppe Brandrup
Jeppe Feldsted Brandrup (born 3 June 1985) is a Danish professional football player, currently playing for FC Græsrødderne.
- Jeppe Mehl
Jeppe Mehl (born 21 September 1986) is a Danish professional football midfielder, who currently plays for the Danish 1st Division side Thisted FC, where he also figures as assistant manager.
- Jeppe Kofod
Jeppe Sebastian Kofod (born 14 March 1974) is a Danish Social Democratic (SD) politician who has been serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark since 27 June 2019.
- Jeppe Tengbjerg
Jeppe Tengbjerg (born 28 December 1973) is a Danish football manager and former football player.
- Jeppe Nielsen
Jeppe Bøje Nielsen (born March 7, 1974) is a former freestyle swimmer from Denmark, who competed for his native country at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
- Jeppe Laursen
Jeppe Breum Laursen is a Danish singer-songwriter and producer.
- Jeppe Normann
Jeppe Normann (born 15 September 1951) is a Norwegian fencer.
- Jeppe Vestergaard
Jeppe Vestergaard is a Danish former footballer who played as a defender.
- Jeppe Andersen
Jeppe Andrup Andersen (born 6 December 1992) is a Danish professional footballer who captains Allsvenskan club Hammarby IF. He is usually deployed as a central midfielder.
- Jeppe Højbjerg
Jeppe Højbjerg (born 30 April 1995) is a Danish professional footballer who plays for Esbjerg fB, as a goalkeeper.
- Jeppe Brinch
Jeppe Brinch Vilhelmsen (born 8 May 1995) is a Danish footballer who plays as a centre back for Danish Superliga side Esbjerg fB.
- Jeppe Simonsen
Jeppe Friborg Simonsen (born 21 November 1995) is a Danish footballer of Haitian descent, who plays as a forward for Danish Superliga-side SønderjyskE.
- Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen
Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen (born 30 October 1962) is a Danish diplomat who has served as Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union since July 2015.
- Jeppe Tverskov
Jeppe Theis Tverskov (born 12 March 1993) is a Danish professional footballer who plays for OB, as a defender.
- Jeppe Grønning
Jeppe Grønning (born 24 May 1991) is a Danish professional footballer who plays for Viborg, as a midfielder.
- Jeppe Okkels
Jeppe Okkels (born 27 July 1999 in Denmark) is a Danish footballer who plays as a left winger for Danish Superliga-side Silkeborg IF.
- Jeppe Kjær
Jeppe Kjær (born 6 November 1985) is a Danish footballer who currently plays for FC Helsingør.
- Jeppe Bay
Jeppe Bay Madsen (born 4 March 1997) is a Danish badminton player.
- Jeppe Hansen
Jeppe Hansen (born 10 February 1989) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a forward for Kolding IF.
- Jeppe Gertsen
Jeppe Gertsen (born February 9, 1997) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a defender for Danish Superliga club Silkeborg.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Jeppe Numerology: Name Jeppe has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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