What does the name Jenifer mean? What is the meaning of the name Jenifer
Meaning of Jenifer: Name Jenifer in the Welsh origin, means Old Welsh - White; Fair; Blessed; Holy; Smooth; Soft; A variant spelling of Jennifer. Name Jenifer is of Welsh origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jenifer: Old Welsh - White; Fair; Blessed; Holy; Smooth; Soft; A variant spelling of Jennifer
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Famous people with name Jenifer (Namesakes)
- Jenifer Lewis
Jenifer Jeanette Lewis (born January 25, 1957) is an American actress, singer and activist.
- Darryl Jenifer
Darryl Jenifer (born October 22, 1960) is an American musician, widely known as the bassist for the hardcore punk band Bad Brains and for the rap-rock group The White Mandingos.
- Jenifer Alcorn
Jenifer Lynn Alcorn (born July 15, 1970) is a retired, undefeated WIBA, IWBF, and IBA World Champion female professional boxer.
Alcorn grew up in Le Grand, California and later moved to Fresno.
- Jenifer (singer)
Jenifer Yaël Juliette Dadouche-Bartoli (born 15 November 1982), known by the mononym Jenifer, is a French singer and actress.
- Jenifer Loon
Jenifer W. Loon (born September 17, 1963) is an American politician who was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from 2009 to 2019.
- Trevon Jenifer
Trevon "Trey" Jenifer (born September 7, 1988 in La Plata, Maryland) is an American Paralympic wheelchair basketball player.
- Jenifer Branning
Jenifer Burrage Branning (born March 13, 1979) is an American lawyer and politician.
- Jenifer Neils
Jenifer Neils (born October 16, 1950) is an American classical archaeologist and since July 2017 director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
- Jenifer Lovell
Jenifer Ellen Lovell (-Moreno), more known as Jenifer Lovell, (born February 1, 1974, Miami, Florida) is a retired American rhythmic gymnast.
- Jenifer Widjaja
Jenifer Widjaja (born 7 December 1986) is a former professional tennis player from Brazil.
- Jenifer Brening
Jenifer Brening (born 15 December 1996 in Berlin, Germany) is a German singer and songwriter who represented San Marino in the Eurovision Song Contest 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, with the song "Who We Are", alongside Jessika.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jenifer Numerology: Name Jenifer has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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