What does the name Jeffries mean? What is the meaning of the name Jeffries
Meaning of Jeffries: Name Jeffries in the English origin, means Life without troubles and temptations.. Name Jeffries is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jeffries are usually Sikh by religion.
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Famous people with name Jeffries (Namesakes)
- Jared Jeffries
Jared Scott Carter Jeffries (born November 25, 1981) is a retired National Basketball Association player who is currently the President of the eSports organization Echo Fox.
- Darren Jeffries
Darren Jon-Jeffries (born 2 March 1982) is an English actor, writer, and presenter best known for his portrayal of Sam "O.B." O'Brien in Channel 4 soap-opera Hollyoaks.
- Leonard Jeffries
Leonard Jeffries Jr. (born January 19, 1937) is a former professor of Black Studies at the City College of New York, part of the City University of New York.
- Hakeem Jeffries
Hakeem Sekou Jeffries (; born August 4, 1970) is an American politician and attorney who has served as the U.S. Representative for New York's 8th congressional district since 2013.
- Mike Jeffries (CEO)
Michael Stanton Jeffries (born July 15, 1944) is an American businessman.
- Kevin Jeffries
Kevin Jeffries (born November 24, 1964) is an American politician from the State of California.
- Ben Jeffries
Ben Jeffries (born 4 September 1980) is an Australian rugby league coach and former professional player who is the Elite Pathways coach for the North Queensland Cowboys of the National Rugby League.
- Willie Jeffries
Willie E. Jeffries (born January 4, 1937) is a former American football player and coach.
- Greg Jeffries
Gregory Lemont Jeffries (born October 16, 1971 in High Point, North Carolina) is a former American football safety in the National Football League for two teams.
- Tony Jeffries
- Not to be confused with the British motorcyclist, Tony Jefferies or the American corporate lawyer, Tony Jeffries
Tony David Jeffries (born 2 March 1985 in Sunderland, England) is an English former professional boxer who won a bronze medal in the 2008 Summer Olympics.
- Adam Jeffries
Adam Berry Jeffries (born November 3, 1976) is an American actor.
- Brian Jeffries
Brian Reginald Jeffries (born 1 October 1946) is a former English cricketer.
- DaQuan Jeffries
DaQuan Marquel Jeffries (born August 30, 1997) is an American basketball player for the Sacramento Kings of the National Basketball Association (NBA), on a two-way contract with the Stockton Kings of the NBA G League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Jeffries Numerology: Name Jeffries has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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