What does the name Jef mean? What is the meaning of the name Jef
Meaning of Jef: Name Jef in the Dutch origin, means God shall give me another baby Boy.. Name Jef is of Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jef are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jef (Namesakes)
- Def Jef
Def Jef is the stage name of Jeffrey Fortson (born September 27, 1970), an American alternative hip hop musician and rapper of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
- Jef Mallett
Jef Mallett (born 1962) is the creator and artist of the nationally syndicated comic strip Frazz.
- Jef Van Gool
Jef Van Gool (born 27 April 1935) was a Belgian football player who finished top scorer of the Belgian First Division with 25 goals (together with Jozef Vliers) in 1958 while playing for Antwerp.
- Jef Delen
Jef Delen (born 29 June 1976 in Bonheiden) is a former Belgian professional football player.
- Jef Elbers
Jef Elbers (born 19 September 1947) is a Flemish singer, script writer, and political activist.
- Jef Van Campen
Jef Van Campen (born 6 February 1934) is a Belgian post-impressionistic art painter.
- Jef McAllister
J.F.O. 'Jef' McAllister (born February 13, 1956) is an American journalist, author and lawyer.
- Jef Gaitan
Jef Gaitan (born September 21, 1993) is a Filipino actress who first started as a TV commercial model and the year 2009 she joined Survivor Philippines Palau which was aired on GMA Network.
- Jef Valkeniers
Jozef Maria Zacharias (Jef) Valkeniers (Schepdaal, Belgium - 29 December 1932) is a physician-neuropsychiatrist and a Flemish politician.
- Jef Neve
Jef Neve (born 8 March 1977) is a Belgian jazz and classical music pianist and composer.
- Jef Van Meirhaeghe
Jef Van Meirhaeghe (born 23 January 1992) is a Belgian former professional road cyclist, who competed professionally for Topsport Vlaanderen–Baloise.
- Jef Van Damme
Jef Van Damme (born 8 January 1979) has been a Member of the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region for the Socialistische Partij Anders since 7 June 2009.
Born in Ghent, he was educated at the University of Antwerp, Université catholique de Louvain and King's College London (MA European Studies, 2003).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Jef Numerology: Name Jef has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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