What does the name Jeannette mean? What is the meaning of the name Jeannette
Meaning of Jeannette: Name Jeannette in the Hebrew origin, means God is gracious. Name Jeannette is of Hebrew origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Jeannette are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jeannette (Namesakes)
- Jeannette Charles
Jeannette Charles (born 15 October 1927) is a British actress who often portrayed Queen Elizabeth II due to her resemblance to the monarch.
- Jeannette McHugh
Jeannette McHugh (née Goffet; born 18 December 1934) is a former Australian politician who was the first woman from New South Wales elected to federal parliament.
- Jeannette Walls
Jeannette Walls (born April 21, 1960) is an American author and journalist widely known as former gossip columnist for MSNBC.com and author of The Glass Castle, a memoir of the nomadic family life of her childhood.
- Jeannette Donzella
Jeannette Amelia de la Coromoto Donzella Sánchez, or simply Jeannette Donzella, is a pageant titleholder, was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1950.
- Jeannette Kagame
Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame (Jeannette Nyiramongi, born August 10, 1962) is the wife of Paul Kagame.
- Jeannette Bougrab
Jeannette Bougrab (born 26 August 1973) is a French lawyer and politician.
- Jeannette Yango
Jeannette Grace Ngock Yango (born 12 June 1993) is a Cameroon Football Forward who plays for Division 1 Feminine club Guingamp and the Cameroon National Team.
- Jeannette Faber
Jeannette Faber (born April 28, 1982) is an American long-distance runner.
- Disappearance of Dannette and Jeannette Millbrook
Dannette Latonia Millbrook and Jeannette Latrice Millbrook are fraternal twins from Augusta, Georgia, United States who disappeared on March 18, 1990 when they were 15 years old.
- Jeannette Korten
Jeannette Korten (born 31 January 1976) is an Australian alpine skier.
- Jeannette zu Fürstenberg
Jeannette, Hereditary Princess of Fürstenberg (née Griesel; born 10 September 1982) is a German businesswoman and entrepreneur.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Jeannette Numerology: Name Jeannette has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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