What does the name Jean-Marc mean? What is the meaning of the name Jean-Marc?
Meaning of Jean-Marc: Name Jean-Marc in the Lebanese origin, means God is gracious, manly. Name Jean-Marc is of Lebanese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jean-Marc are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jean-Marc (Namesakes)
- Jean-Marc Gounon
Jean-Marc Gounon (born 1 January 1963) is a French racing driver.
- Jean-Marc Bosman
Jean-Marc Bosman (French: [ʒɑ̃ maʁk bɔsmɑ̃]; born 30 October 1964) is a Belgian former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Jean-Marc Mormeck
Jean-Marc Gilbert Mormeck (born 3 June 1972) is a French former professional boxer who competed from 1995 to 2014.
- Jean-Marc Barr
Jean-Marc Barr (born 27 September 1960) is a French American film actor and director.
- Jean-Marc Lofficier
Jean-Marc Lofficier (French: [lɔfisje]; born June 22, 1954) is a French author of books about films and television programs, as well as numerous comics and translations of a number of animation screenplays.
- Jean-Marc Vallée
Jean-Marc Vallée (born March 9, 1963) is a Canadian filmmaker, film editor and screenwriter.
- Jean-Marc Guillou
Jean-Marc Guillou (born 20 December 1945) is a French football coach and former player, who played at the 1978 World Cup.
- Jean-Marc Ayrault
Jean-Marc Ayrault (French: [ʒɑ̃maʁk eʁo]; born 25 January 1950) is a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France from 16 May 2012 to 1 April 2014.
- Jean-Marc Ferreri
Jean-Marc Ferreri (born 26 December 1962) is a French former professional footballer who earned 37 caps and scored 3 goals for the France national team.
- Jean-Marc Furlan
Jean-Marc Furlan (born 20 November 1957) is a French football manager and former player who played as a defender.
- Jean-Marc Pilorget
Jean-Marc Pilorget (born 13 April 1958) is a retired football player and current manager.
- Jean-Marc Généreux
Jean-Marc Généreux (/ʒɑ̃-maʁk ʒeneʁø/; born December 25, 1962) is a French Canadian ballroom dance champion, choreographer and television personality from Longueuil, Quebec, Canada.
- Jean-Marc Ithier
Jean-Marc Ithier (born 15 July 1965 in Rodrigues) is a retired Mauritian footballer.
- Jean-Marc Adjovi-Bocco
Jean-Marc Adjovi-Bocco (born 22 December 1963) is a Beninese former professional football who played as a defender.
- Jean-Marc Rochette
Jean-Marc Rochette (born 23 April 1956) is a French painter, illustrator and comics creator.
- Jean-Marc Sauvé
Jean-Marc Sauvé (born 28 May 1949) is a French civil servant.
- Jean-Marc Chouinard
Jean-Marc Chouinard (born 6 November 1963) is a Canadian fencer.
- Jean-Marc Janaillac
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Jean-Marc Numerology: Name Jean-Marc has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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