What does the name Jean-charles mean? What is the meaning of the name Jean-charles
Meaning of Jean-charles: Name Jean-charles in the French origin, means God is merciful; God is Gracious. Name Jean-charles is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jean-charles are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jean-charles (Namesakes)
- Philippe Jean-Charles Jourdan
Philippe Jean-Charles Jourdan (born 30 August 1960 in Dax, France) is a Roman Catholic dignitary, Apostolic Administrator of Estonia and Titular Bishop of Pertusa.
- Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
Jean-Charles, marquis de Castelbajac (also known as JC/DC, born 28 November 1949 in Casablanca, Morocco) is a fashion designer.
- Jean-Charles Brisard
Jean-Charles Brisard (born May 13, 1968 in Dijon, France) is a French international consultant and expert on terrorism.
- Jean-Charles Tacchella
Jean-Charles Tacchella (born 23 September 1925) is a French screenwriter and film director.
- Jean-Charles Sénac
Jean-Charles Sénac (born May 23, 1985 in Chambéry) is a French road bicycle racer who previously rode for UCI ProTour team Ag2r–La Mondiale.
- Jean-Charles Cirilli
Jean-Charles Cirilli (born September 10, 1982 in Saint-Étienne) is a French professional football player.
- Frantz Jean-Charles
Frantz Philippe Jean-Charles (born June 9, 1968 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti) is a retired Haitian soccer player.
- Jean-Charles Skarbowsky
Jean-Charles Skarbowsky (born March 10, 1975) is a French former kickboxer and 3-times European Muay Thai champion.
- Jean-Charles Seneca
Jean-Charles Seneca (born 23 October 1945) is a Monégasque fencer.
- Livio Jean-Charles
Livio Philippe Jean-Charles (born 8 November 1993) is a French professional basketball player for ASVEL of the LNB Pro A. He has also played for the French under-20 national team.
- Jean-Charles Cistacq
Jean-Charles Cistacq (born 22 July 1974 in Auch), is a French rugby union player.
- Jean-Charles Naouri
Jean-Charles Naouri (born March 8, 1949 in Bône (now Annaba), Algeria) is a French businessman.
- Jean-Charles Castelletto
Jean-Charles Castelletto (born 26 January 1995) is a professional footballer who plays as a centre-back in the Ligue 1 for Stade Brestois 29 and for the Cameroon national football team.
- Jean-Charles Thomas
Jean-Charles Thomas (born 16 December 1929 on Saint-Martin-des-Noyers) received on July 5, 1953, the sacrament of Holy Orders and was incardinated in the clergy of the Diocese of Luçon.
- Jean-Charles Moïse
Jean-Charles Moïse (born 20 April 1967) is a Haitian politician.
- Enex Jean-Charles
Enex Jean-Charles (born 18 July 1960) is a Haitian politician who served as Prime Minister of Haiti from March 2016 until March 2017.
- Jean-Charles Larsonneur
Jean-Charles Larsonneur (born 24 January 1984) is a French politician representing La République En Marche!
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Jean-charles Numerology: Name Jean-charles has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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