What does the name Jaroslav mean? What is the meaning of the name Jaroslav?
Meaning of Jaroslav: Name Jaroslav in the Slavic origin, means One who is gloriously energetic. Name Jaroslav is of Slavic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Jaroslav (Namesakes)
- Jaroslav Beck
Jaroslav Beck (born 29 May 1988 in Strakonice) is a Czech music composer, Co-Founder and Head of Music of Beat Games s.r.o.
- Jaroslav Plašil
Jaroslav Plašil (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjaroslaf ˈplaʃɪl]; born 5 January 1982) is a Czech former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Jaroslav Halák
Jaroslav Halák (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈjaɾɔslaʊ̯ ˈɦalaːk]; born 13 May 1985) is a Slovak professional ice hockey goaltender who is currently playing with the Boston Bruins in the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Jaroslav Šedivec
Jaroslav Šedivec (born 16 February 1981) is a Czech footballer who plays for Portomansuè in Promozione.
- Jaroslav Šedivý
Jaroslav Šedivý (12 November 1929–) served as the second Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, from 8 November 1997 until 17 July 1998.
- Jaroslav Satoranský
Jaroslav Satoranský (born December 17, 1939, Prague) is a Czech actor.
- Jaroslav Bánský
Jaroslav Bánský (born March 12, 1980) of the SAC Špindlerův mlýn is a Czech ski mountaineer.
- Jaroslav Flegr
Jaroslav Flegr (born 12 March 1958) is a parasitologist, evolutionary biologist, and author of the book Frozen Evolution.
- Jaroslav Diviš
Jaroslav Diviš (born 9 July 1986) is a Czech football midfielder who currently plays for FK Viktoria Žižkov.
- Jaroslav Markovič
Jaroslav Markovič (born May 22, 1985) is a Slovak professional ice hockey player currently playing with HC Pardubice in the Czech Extraliga.
- Jaroslav Jágr
Jaroslav Jágr (born February 9, 1984) is a Czech professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Jaroslav Kulhavý
Jaroslav Kulhavý (Czech pronunciation: [ˈjaroslaf ˈkulɦaviː]; born 8 January 1985 in Ústí nad Orlicí), is a Czech mountain biker
He is currently riding for the Specialized Racing team.
- Jaroslav Švach
Jaroslav Švach (born 3 January 1973) is a retired Czech football defender.
- Jaroslav Melichárek
Jaroslav Melichárek (born 22 December 1977) is rally driver from Slovakia.
- Jaroslav Kůs
Jaroslav Kůs (born March 3, 1990) is a Czech professional ice hockey player.
- Jaroslav Uhlíř
Jaroslav Uhlíř (born 14 September 1945 in Prague) is a Czech composer and pianist.
- Jaroslav Svozil
Jaroslav Svozil (born 9 September 1993) is a professional Czech football player who currently plays for FC Banik Ostrava in the Czech First League.
- Jaroslav Němec
Jaroslav Němec (born 6 March 1954) is a retired Czech footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Jaroslav Jeřábek
Jaroslav Jeřábek (born 2 April 1971) is a Slovak former cyclist.
- Jaroslav Kříž
Jaroslav Kříž (born 12 March 1955) is a Czech judoka.
Do you know any famous people named Jaroslav, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Jaroslav Numerology: Name Jaroslav has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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