What does the name Jarno mean? What is the meaning of the name Jarno
Meaning of Jarno: Name Jarno in the Nordic origin, means Assigned by God. Name Jarno is of Nordic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Jarno (Namesakes)
- Jarno Janssen
Jarno Janssen (born 19 September 2000) is a Dutch football player.
- Jarno Westerman
Jarno Westerman (born 8 June 2002) is a Dutch football player.
- Jarno Trulli
Jarno Trulli (Italian pronunciation: [ˈjarno ˈtrulli]; born 13 July 1974) is an Italian racing driver.
- Jarno Kultanen
Jarno Kultanen (born January 8, 1973) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey player.
- Jarno Parikka
Jarno Parikka (born 21 July 1986, Vantaa, Finland) is a retired Finnish footballer who played as a Striker.
Parikka was known as a striker who possessed a good footballing brain for bringing his teammates in the game while having an undeniable eye for the goal.
- Jarno Pihlava
Jarno Pihlava (born May 14, 1979 in Raisio, Finland) is a retired male breaststroke swimmer from Finland.
- Jarno Heinikangas
Jarno Heinikangas (born 5 March 1979) is a retired Finnish football player.
- Jarno Tenkula
Jarno Tenkula (born 16 June 1982) is a Finnish football player currently playing for RoPS; he formerly played for OLS, TP-47, VPS and
AC Oulu. - Jarno Molenberghs
Jarno Molenberghs (born December 12, 1989) is a Belgian football player who currently plays for Olympia Wijgmaal.
- Jarno Mattila
Jarno Mattila is a Finnish professional footballer who currently plays for the Veikkausliiga side FC Haka in Finland.
- Jarno Tuunainen
Jarno Tuunainen (born 5 November 1977) is a Finnish footballer who currently plays for MyPa in Finnish Veikkausliiga.
- Jarno Laasala
Jarno Pekka Laasala (born 19 September 1979) is a Finnish filmmaker and stunt performer.
- Jarno Lippojoki
Jarno Lippojoki is a Finnish ice hockey defenceman who currently plays professionally in Finland for Ketterä of the Mestis.
- Jarno Koskiranta
Jarno Koskiranta (born December 9, 1986) is a professional Finnish ice hockey player.
- Jarno Paven
Jarno Pavén (born May 20, 1993) is a Finnish ice hockey defenceman.
- Jarno Kärki
Jarno Kärki (born October 13, 1994) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Jarno Gmelich
Jarno Gmelich Meijling (born 21 June 1989 in Almere) is a Dutch cyclist, who currently rides for Dutch amateur team Allinq–Krush WV IJsselstreek.
- Jarno Opmeer
Jarno Opmeer (born 11 April 2000) is a Dutch racing driver.
- Jarno Libert
Jarno Libert (born 2 May 1997) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for RWDM47 in the Belgian First Amateur Division.
Libert made his professional debut for OH Leuven on 12 August 2017 in the away match against Roeselare when he was subbed on for Jovan Kostovski.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Jarno Numerology: Name Jarno has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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