What does the name Jaret mean? What is the meaning of the name Jaret
Meaning of Jaret: Name Jaret in the German origin, means A strong spear. Name Jaret is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jaret are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jaret (Namesakes)
- Jaret Wright
Jaret Samuel Wright (born December 29, 1975) is an American former professional baseball pitcher.
- Marissa Jaret Winokur
Marissa Jaret Winokur (born February 2, 1973), sometimes credited as Marissa Winokur, is an American actress known for her Tony-winning performance as Tracy Turnblad in the Broadway musical Hairspray, an adaptation of John Waters's film, as well as her work on the Pamela Anderson sitcom Stacked. Some of her other TV credits include Curb Your Enthusiasm, Moesha, The Steve Harvey Show, Just Shoot Me!, Felicity, and Dharma & Greg.
She was a contestant on the popular reality competition series Dancing With the Stars and went on to host the similar Dance Your Ass Off. From 2010-2011 she served as a co-host on the daily daytime talk show The Talk, ultimately leaving to focus on her clothing line and a new cable TV show.
- Jaret Holmes
Jaret D. Holmes (born March 3, 1976) is a former American football placekicker in the National Football League for the Chicago Bears (1999), the New York Giants (2000) and the Jacksonville Jaguars (2001).
- Jaret Reddick
Jaret Ray Reddick (born March 6, 1972) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, composer, podcaster, actor, and voice actor, best known as the lead vocalist, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the rock band Bowling for Soup.
- Jaret Johnson
- Not to be confused with Jarret Johnson.
Jaret Johnson (born December 16, 1982) is an American Football kicker.
- Jaret Gibbons
Jaret A. Gibbons (born October 7, 1980) was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, representing the 10th legislative district.
- Jaret Anderson-Dolan
Jaret Lynn Anderson-Dolan (born September 12, 1999) is a Canadian professional ice hockey player currently playing for the Ontario Reign in the American Hockey League (AHL) as a prospect to the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jaret Numerology: Name Jaret has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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