What does the name Janusz mean? What is the meaning of the name Janusz
Meaning of Janusz: Name Janusz in the Polish origin, means Variant of John, meaning God is gracious. Name Janusz is of Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Janusz are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Janusz: Variant of John, meaning God is gracious
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Famous people with name Janusz (Namesakes)
- Janusz Wolański
Janusz Wolański (born 13 July 1979 in Pilzno) is a Polish midfielder who most recently played for Wisłok Wiśniowa.
- Janusz Gajos
Janusz Gajos (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ˈɡajɔs]; born 23 September 1939) is a Polish actor.
- Janusz Kamiński
Janusz Zygmunt Kamiński (Polish: [ˌjanuʂ kaˈmiɲskʲi]; born June 27, 1959) is a Polish cinematographer and director of film and television, who started his career in the United States.
- Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Janusz Ryszard Korwin-Mikke (born in 1942) is a far-right Polish publicist, philosopher, politician and a former member of the European Parliament (2014-2018).
- Janusz Dziedzic
Janusz Dziedzic (born 17 August 1980 in Dębica) is a Polish striker who plays for Wisła Płock.
- Janusz Olejniczak
Janusz Olejniczak (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ɔlɛjˈɲiʈ͡ʂak]; born 2 October 1952 in Wrocław) is a Polish classical pianist and actor.
- Janusz Gol
Janusz Gol (born November 11, 1985) is a Polish footballer who plays for Ekstraklasa side KS Cracovia as a central midfielder.
- Janusz Kudyba
Janusz Kudyba (born 12 July 1961) is a Polish football striker.
- Janusz Sybis
Janusz Sybis (born 10 October 1952) is a Polish football striker.
- Janusz Jojko
Janusz Andrzej Jojko (born 20 April 1960, in Chorzów) is a Polish football coach and former professional footballer who played for Ruch Chorzów, GKS Katowice and KSZO Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski in the Polish Ekstraklasa.
- Janusz Gancarczyk
Janusz Gancarczyk (born 19 June 1984 in Oława) is a Polish footballer who plays for GKS Katowice.
- Janusz Różycki
Janusz Różycki (born 10 May 1939) is a Polish fencer.
- Janusz Hooker
- Janusz Surdykowski
Janusz Surdykowski (born May 4, 1986 in Gdańsk) is a Polish footballer who currently plays for Bytovia Bytów.
- Janusz Góra
Janusz Góra (born 8 July 1963) is a retired Polish footballer who played for Górnik Wałbrzych, Śląsk Wrocław, Stuttgarter Kickers, SSV Ulm 1846 and FC Augsburg.
- Janusz Adamiec
Janusz Andrzej Adamiec (born April 29, 1962) is a former Polish ice hockey player.
- Janusz Piechociński
Janusz Piechociński (born 15 March 1960 in Studzianki) is a Polish politician, Minister of the Economy and Deputy Prime Minister of Poland from 6 December 2012 to 16 November 2015.
- Janusz Waluś
Janusz Jakub Waluś (, Polish: [ˈjanuʂ ˈjakup ˈvaluɕ]; born 14 January 1953) is a Polish convicted murderer.
- Marcin Janusz
Marcin Janusz (born 31 July 1994) is a Polish volleyball player, a member of Polish club Trefl Gdańsk, Polish Champion (2018).
- Janusz Stokłosa
Janusz Stokłosa (born 15 May 1954) is a Polish pianist and composer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Janusz Numerology: Name Janusz has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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