What does the name Janus mean? What is the meaning of the name Janus
Meaning of Janus: Name Janus in the Greek origin, means Greek name meaning getaway. Name Janus is of Greek origin and is a Boy name. People with name Janus are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Janus (Namesakes)
- Jaroslav Janus
Jaroslav Janus (born September 21, 1989) is a Slovak professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Janusz Gajos
Janusz Gajos (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjanuʂ ˈɡajɔs]; born 23 September 1939) is a Polish film, television and theatre actor.
- Janus Friis
Janus Friis ([ˈjɛːnus ˈfʁiˀs]; born 26 June 1976) is a Danish entrepreneur best known for co-founding the file-sharing application Kazaa, and the peer-to-peer telephony application Skype.
- Tim Janus
Tim Janus (born December 31, 1976) is an American entertainer, media personality and retired competitive eater known in the competitive eating community as "Eater X." He is a member of the International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE).
- Janus Drachmann
Janus Drachmann (born 11 May 1988) is a Danish professional football midfielder, who currently plays for the Danish Superliga side OB.
- Krzysztof Janus
Krzysztof Janus (born March 25, 1986 in Brzeg Dolny) is a Polish footballer who plays for Odra Opole.
- Goran Janus
Goran Janus (born 27 March 1970) is a Yugoslavian and later Slovenian former ski jumper.
- Janus Guðlaugsson
Janus Guðlaugsson (born 7 October 1955) is an Icelandic former professional football player and football coach.
- Paul Janus
Paul Scott Janus is a former player in the National Football League.
- Janus del Prado
Janus del Prado (born as Janus Renato Robles Mateo III on November 19, 1984), is a Filipino actor from the Philippines and currently a talent of Star Magic since 1995.
- Marjan Janus
Maria Alida Catharina "Marjan" Janus (born 31 January 1952 in Heemstede) is a former breaststroke swimmer from the Netherlands.
- Janus Daði Smárason
Janus Daði Smárason (born 1 January 1995) is an Icelandic handball player for Aalborg Håndbold and the Icelandic national handball team.
He participated at the 2017 World Men's Handball Championship.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Janus Numerology: Name Janus has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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