What does the name Janne mean? What is the meaning of the name Janne
Meaning of Janne: Name Janne in the Roman, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Scandinavian origin, means From old Roman mythology, wife of Janus. Name Janne is of Roman, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Janne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Janne: From old Roman mythology, wife of Janus
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Famous people with name Janne (Namesakes)
- Janne Wirman
Janne Viljami "Warman" Wirman (born 26 April 1979) is a Finnish musician; he is the former keyboardist for the Finnish metal band Children of Bodom from 1997–2019.
- Janne Niinimaa
Janne Henrik Niinimaa (born 22 May 1975, Raahe) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey player.
- Janne Virtanen
Janne Virtanen (born 16 November 1969) is a Finnish former strongman who won the World's Strongest Man championship in 2000.
- Janne Oinas
Janne Oinas (born 27 November 1973) is a Finnish former footballer.
- Janne Josefsson
Janne Josefsson (born June 27, 1952 in Gothenburg) is a Swedish investigative journalist who has had numerous shows on Sveriges Television such as Fittja Paradiso, Uppdrag Granskning and Debatt.
- Janne Moilanen
Janne Moilanen (born 24 June 1978) is a former footballer (defender) from Finland.
- Janne Vellamo
Janne Vellamo (born 28 September 1984) is a Finnish footballer.
- Janne Andersson
Jan Olof "Janne" Andersson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈjânːɛ ˈânːdɛˌʂɔn]; born 29 September 1962) is a Swedish football coach and former player.
- Janne Lahti
Janne Lahti (born 20 July 1982) is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward currently playing for HPK of the Finnish Liiga.
- Janne Kolehmainen
Janne Kolehmainen (born March 22, 1986) is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward.
- Janne Tavi
Janne Tavi is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward who currently plays for Pelicans of the SM-liiga.
- Janne Keränen
Janne Keränen (born June 30, 1987) is a Finnish ice hockey player who currently plays professionally in Finland for Lukko of the SM-liiga.
- Janne Teller
Janne Teller (born 8 April 1964 in Copenhagen) is a Danish writer of Austrian–German descent, who lives in New York and Berlin.
- Janne Mortil
Janne Mortil is a Vancouver-based Canadian-American actress probably best known for playing Madeleine Astor on Titanic (1996).
- Janne Juutinen
Janne Juutinen (born February 15, 1994) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Janne Öfverström
Janne Ofverstrom (born March 18, 1991) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Janne Saksela
- Janne Kanerva
Janne Nikodemus Kanerva (born (1970-07-29)29 July 1970 in Kankaanpää) is a Finnish male weightlifter, competing in the 105 kg category and representing Finland at international competitions.
- Janne Reinikainen (actor)
Janne Reinikainen (born 10 March 1969) is a Finnish actor.
- Janne Salli
Janne Salli (born 14 December 1977) is a Finnish retired footballer who now works as Vice President of Group Controlling of Stora Enso in his home country.
Salli captained the Finnish Under-21 team while playing for FC Haka.
Salli then moved to Barnsley in the English leagues, but suffered a knee injury against Leeds Unitrd which he could not recover from, and the English papers of the time reported he had retired at the age of 24.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Janne Numerology: Name Janne has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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