What does the name Janko mean? What is the meaning of the name Janko
Meaning of Janko: Name Janko in the Hebrew origin, means Lord is merciful. Name Janko is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Janko are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Janko (Namesakes)
- Eva Janko
Eva Janko (née Egger) (born 24 January 1945 in Floing, Styria) is a former javelin thrower from Austria.
- Zvonimir Janko
Zvonimir Janko (born 26 November 1932) is a Croatian mathematician who is the eponym of the Janko groups, sporadic simple groups in group theory.
- Janko Tipsarević
Janko Tipsarević (Serbian Cyrillic: Јанко Типсаревић, pronounced [jâːŋko tipsǎːreʋitɕ]; born 22 June 1984) is a Serbian retired tennis player.
- Janko Tumbasević
Janko Tumbasević (Cyrillic: Јанко Тумбасевић; born 14 January 1985) is a Montenegrin professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Serbian club FK TSC Bačka Topola.
- Marc Janko
Marc Janko (born 25 June 1983) is an Austrian former professional footballer who played as a striker for the Austria national team.
- Janko Pacar
Janko Pacar (born 18 August 1990) is a Swiss football forward who currently plays for FC Emmenbrücke.
- Janko Simović
Janko Simović (Cyrillic: Јанко Симовић, born 7 June 1986) is a Montenegrin professional footballer who plays as a center back for FK Dinamo Vranje.
- Janko Janković
Janko Janković (born 14 January 1963) ia a Croatian retired footballer who played as a forward.
- Janko Nilović
Janko Nilović (born 20 May 1941) is a pianist, arranger and composer of Montenegrin and Greek descent who was born in Turkey and has lived in France since 1960.
- Richard Janko
Richard Charles Murray Janko (born May 30, 1955) is an Anglo-American classical scholar and the Gerald F. Else Distinguished University Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan.
- Janko Veber
Janko Veber (born 30 July 1960 in Ljubljana) is a Slovenian politician.
- Janko Gojković
Janko Gojković (born April 14, 1973) is a Bosnian former swimmer, who specialized in sprint freestyle and butterfly events.
- Janko Božović
Janko Božović (born 14 July 1985) is an Austrian handball player for VfL Gummersbach and the Austrian national team.
He is the son of former Austrian handballplayer Stanka Bozovic.
- Janko Kroner
Janko Kroner (born June 1, 1956) is a Slovak film, television and stage actor.
- Saidy Janko
Saidy Janko (born 22 October 1995) is a Swiss professional footballer who plays for BSC Young Boys on loan from FC Porto.
- Janko Popović Volarić
Janko Popović Volarić (born 14 March 1980) is a Croatian actor.
- Lubomír Janko
Lubomír Janko (born 13 November 1955) is a Czech rower.
- Janko Neuber
Janko Neuber (born 25 June 1971) is a German cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Janko Numerology: Name Janko has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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