What does the name Janine mean? What is the meaning of the name Janine
Meaning of Janine: Name Janine in the Hebrew, French origin, means One who is a gift from God. Name Janine is of Hebrew, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Janine are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Janine (Namesakes)
- Janine Lindemulder
Janine Marie Lindemulder (born November 14, 1968), also known as Janine Marie James, is an American exotic dancer and adult film actress, best known for her work in American pornographic films (typically credited as just Janine) during the mid-1990s and since a 2004 comeback.
- Janine Jansen
Janine Jansen (Dutch pronunciation: [ʒɑnine jɑnsən]); born 7 January 1978 in Soest in the Netherlands) is a violinist and violist.
- Janine Duvitski
Janine Duvitski (born Christine Janine Drzewicki, 28 June 1952) is an English actress, known for her roles in the BBC television sitcom series Waiting for God, One Foot in the Grave and Benidorm.
- Janine Antoni
Janine Antoni (born January 19, 1964) is a Bahamian–born American artist, who creates contemporary work in performance art, sculpture, and photography.
- Janine Mellor
Janine Mellor (born 3 May 1980, in Huddersfield) is an English actress.
- Janine Habeck
Janine Carmen Habeck (born 3 June 1983 in Berlin, Germany) is a German model.
- Janine Chang
Janine Chang or Chang Chun-ning (Chinese: 張鈞甯; pinyin: Zhāng Jūnníng; born 4 September 1982) is a Taiwanese actress.
- Janine Jarman
Janine Jarman (born April 17, 1981) is an American hairstylist, salon owner, and American television personality.
- Janine Kohlmann
Janine Kohlmann (born November 28, 1990) is a German modern pentathlete.
- Janine Gutierrez
Janine Marie Elizabeth Olson Gutierrez, known professionally as Janine Gutierrez (born October 2, 1989) is a Filipina actress, television host and commercial model.
- Janine Thompson
Janine G. Thompson Tremelling (née Thompson; born 12 September 1967) is an Australian former tennis player who won the Girls' Doubles in the 1985 Wimbledon Championships, with Louise Field.
She is currently playing on the seniors tour.
- Janine Kitzen
Janine Kitzen (born 1 March 1978 in Kerkrade, The Netherlands) is a soprano singer in opera and musical theatre.
- Alia Janine
- Janine Beckie
Janine Elizabeth Beckie (born August 20, 1994) is a Canadian soccer player who plays for Manchester City and the Canada women's national soccer team.
- Janine Wissler
Janine Wissler (born 23 May 1981) is a politician in the parliament for the State of Hesse (Hessischer Landtag) in Germany.
- Janine Berdin
Patricia Janine Dusaran Berdin (born January 28, 2002), simply known as Janine Berdin, is a Filipino singer, recording artist and occasional actress.
- Kieryn
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Janine Numerology: Name Janine has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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