What does the name Jamshid mean? What is the meaning of the name Jamshid
Meaning of Jamshid: Name Jamshid in the Arabic origin, means A shining light. Name Jamshid is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Jamshid (Namesakes)
- Jamshid bin Abdullah of Zanzibar
Sir Jamshid bin Abdullah Al Said, GCMG (Arabic: جمشيد بن عبد الله; born 16 September 1929), is a Zanzibari royal who was the last reigning Sultan of Zanzibar before being deposed in the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution.
- Jamshid Maharramov
Jamshid Maharramov (Azerbaijani: Cəmşid Məhərrəmov; born 4 August 1983) is a former Azerbaijani footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Jamshid Nassiri
Jamshid Nassiri(born 15 March 1959, Khorramshahr) is a retired Iranian football player who is now a coach.
- Abdul Salem Jamshid
Abdul Salem Jamshid (born 1980) is an Afghan football player.
- Jamshid Iskanderov
Jamshid Iskanderov (Uzbek Cyrillic: Жамшид Искандеров; born 16 October 1993) is an Uzbekistani footballer who plays for Seongnam and Uzbekistan national football team.
- Jamshid Hashempour
Jamshid Hashempour (Persian: جمشید هاشمپور; born March 23, 1944), birth name Jamshid Arya, is an Iranian actor.
- Jamshid Boltaboev
Jamshid Boltaboev (born 3 October 1996) is a Uzbek professional footballer playing for Sogdiana Jizzakh and the Uzbek national team.
- Jamshid Khan (cricketer)
Jamshid Khan (born 3 March 2003) is an Afghan cricketer.
- Jamshid Barzegar
Jamshid Barzegar (Persian: جمشید برزگر ), born 20 August 1971 in Hamedan, Iran, is an Iranian poet and writer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Jamshid Numerology: Name Jamshid has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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