What does the name Jamie mean? What is the meaning of the name Jamie
Meaning of Jamie: Name Jamie in the Hebrew, Scottish origin, means Scottish form of James, means to replace. Name Jamie is of Hebrew, Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jamie are usually Hindu by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jamie: Scottish form of James, means to replace
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Famous people with name Jamie (Namesakes)
- Jamie Zawinski
James Werner Zawinski (born November 3, 1968), commonly known as jwz, is an American computer programmer with contributions to the free software projects Mozilla and XEmacs, and early versions of the Netscape Navigator web browser.
- Jamie Farr
Jamie Farr (born Jameel Joseph Farah; July 1, 1934) is an American television and film comedian and theatre actor.
- Jamie Oliver
James Trevor Oliver, also known as Jamie Oliver (born 27 May 1975) is a British chef and restaurateur.
- Jamie Cullum
Jamie Cullum (born 20 August 1979) is an English jazz-pop singer-songwriter and radio presenter.
- Jamie Foxx
Eric Marlon Bishop (born December 13, 1967), better known by his stage name Jamie Foxx, is an American actor, singer, comedian, songwriter, and producer.
- Jamie Hewlett
Jamie Christopher Hewlett (born 3 April 1968) is an English comic creator, animator, cover designer, illustrator, music video director, and songwriter, best known as the co-creator of the comic book Tank Girl and the virtual band Gorillaz, alongside Blur frontman Damon Albarn.
- Jamie Kennedy
James Harvey Kennedy (born May 25, 1970) is an American stand-up comedian, television producer, screenwriter, and actor.
- Jamie Dimon
Jamie Dimon (; born March 13, 1956) is an American billionaire business executive.
- Jamie Carragher
James Lee Duncan Carragher (; born 28 January 1978) is an English retired footballer who played as a defender for Premier League club Liverpool during a career which spanned 17 years.
- Jamie Bell
Andrew James Matfin Bell (born 14 March 1986) is an English actor and dancer.
- Jamie Waylett
Jamie Michael Colin Waylett (born 21 July 1989) is a British former actor.
- Jamie Cook
Jamie Robert Cook (born 8 July 1985) is an English guitarist and songwriter.
- Jamie T
Jamie Alexander Treays (born 8 January 1986), better known by his stage name Jamie T, is an English singer, songwriter, rapper and record producer from Wimbledon, South London.
- Jamie Dornan
James Dornan (born 1 May 1982) is an actor, model, and musician from Northern Ireland.
- Jamie Marchi
Jamie Lynn Marchi (; born October 8, 1977) is an American voice actress, ADR director and script writer who works for Funimation and Sentai Filmworks.
- Jamie Hector
Jamie Hector (born October 7, 1975 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American actor of Haitian descent who is known for his portrayal of drug kingpin Marlo Stanfield on the HBO drama series The Wire and as Detective Jerry Edgar in the drama series Bosch.
- Jamie Chung
Jamie Jilynn Chung (born April 10, 1983) is an American actress, and former reality television personality.
- Jamie Blackley
Jamie Alexander Blackley (born 8 July 1991) is a British actor.
- Jamie Lever
Jamie Janumala ( professional name Jamie Lever) is an Indian stand-up comedian.
- Jamie Newman
Jamie Newman (born December 1, 1997) is an American football quarterback for the Georgia Bulldogs.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Jamie Numerology: Name Jamie has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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