What does the name Jamey mean? What is the meaning of the name Jamey
Meaning of Jamey: Name Jamey in the English origin, means Diminutive of James, meaning a supplanter. Name Jamey is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jamey are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jamey: Diminutive of James, meaning a supplanter
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Famous people with name Jamey (Namesakes)
- Jamey Sheridan
James Patrick Sheridan (born July 12, 1951) is an American actor known for playing a wide range of roles in theater, film, and television.
- Jamey Jasta
Jamey Jasta (born James Vincent Shanahan; August 7, 1977) is an American musician from New Haven, Connecticut.
- Jamey Johnson
Jamey Johnson (born July 14, 1975) is an American country music artist.
- Jamey Wright
Jamey Alan Wright (born December 24, 1974) is an American former professional baseball pitcher.
- Jamey Carroll
Jamey Blake Carroll (born February 18, 1974) is an American former professional baseball infielder and currently works as a special assistant to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
- Jamey Aebersold
Wilton Jameson "Jamey" Aebersold (born July 21, 1939) is an American publisher, educator, and jazz saxophonist.
- Jamey Haddad
Jamey George Haddad (born July 2, 1952 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American percussionist who works primarily in the fields of jazz and world music and specializes in hand drums.
- Jamey Bowen
Jamey Bowen (born November 8, 1969 in Edmonton, Alberta) is a former lacrosse player who played for the Edmonton Rush in the National Lacrosse League.
- Jamey Richard
Jamey Richard (born October 9, 1984) is a former American football center.
- Jamey Jewells
Jamey Jewells (born August 23, 1989) is Canadian 1.0 point wheelchair basketball player, who has played for Team Canada and the Trier Dolphins in Germany.
- Jamey Newberg
Jamison Dean "Jamey" Newberg (born March 3, 1969) is a Dallas, Texas lawyer and sports writer who became fairly well known since the late 1990s as an expert multi-media commentator on the Texas Rangers baseball organization, with an emphasis on the subtleties of minor league player development and complex trade strategies.
- Jamey Shouppe
Jamey David Shouppe in an American college baseball coach, currently serving as head coach of the Florida A&M Rattlers baseball program.
- Bodunde
- Jamey Harris
Jamey Harris (born June 14, 1971) is an American athlete and coach in track and field and cross-country.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jamey Numerology: Name Jamey has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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