What does the name Jakov mean? What is the meaning of the name Jakov
Meaning of Jakov: Name Jakov in the Macedonian, Serbian origin, means May the God watch over you. Name Jakov is of Macedonian, Serbian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jakov are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jakov (Namesakes)
- Jakov Fak
Jakov Fak (born 1 August 1987) is a biathlete born in Croatia and competing for Slovenia since 2010.
- Ivan Jakov Džoni
Ivan Jakov Džoni (born 25 July 1994) is a Croatian football forward who currently plays for RNK Split.
- Jakov Surać
Jakov Surać (born 12 February 1978) is a Croatian former professional football midfielder In July 2014 he set a record of being the oldest player ever to play in a Croatian First Football League match.
- Jakov Brdar
Jakov Brdar (born 22 April 1949) is a Slovene sculptor of Bosnian descent.
- Jakov Grcić
Jakov Grcić (born 12 April 1983), is a Croatian futsal player who plays for Futsal Dinamo and the Croatia national futsal team.
- Jakov Vladović
Jakov Vladović (born April 17, 1983) is a Croatian professional basketball player for Šibenka of the Croatian League.
- Jakov Gojun
Jakov Gojun (born 18 April 1986) is a Croatian handball player for Füchse Berlin.
He competed for the Croatia national team at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, winning the bronze medal.
- Jakov Sedlar
Jakov Sedlar (born 6 November 1952) is a Croatian film director and producer.
- Jakov Puljić
Jakov Puljić (born 4 August 1993) is a Croatian football forward currently playing for Jagiellonia Białystok.
- Jakov Vranković
Jakov Vranković (born 12 June 1993) is a Croatian handball player who plays for Dinamo București and the Croatian national team.
He participated at the 2019 World Men's Handball Championship.
- Jakov Kitarović
Jakov Kitarović (born 4 October 1968) is a Croatian engineer who is the husband of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the 4th President of Croatia from 2015 to 2020, who was narrowly elected to office in the January 2015 presidential election by defeating the 3rd president Ivo Josipović.
- Jakov Filipović
- Jakov Mustapić
Jakov Mustapić (born August 22, 1994) is a Croatian professional basketball player currently playing for Igokea of the Bosnian League and the ABA League.
- Jakov Medić
Jakov Medić (born 7 September 1998) is a Croatian footballer who plays for SV Wehen Wiesbaden on loan from 1.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Jakov Numerology: Name Jakov has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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