What does the name Jakob mean? What is the meaning of the name Jakob
Meaning of Jakob: Name Jakob in the Hebrew, English origin, means Holder of the heel, name from the Old Testament. Name Jakob is of Hebrew, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jakob are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jakob (Namesakes)
- Jakob Nielsen (usability consultant)
Jakob Nielsen (born 5 October 1957) is a Danish web usability consultant.
- Jakob Dylan
Jakob Luke Dylan (born December 9, 1969) is an American singer and songwriter.
- Jakob Hlasek
Jakob Hlasek (Czech: Jakub Hlásek; born 12 November 1964) is a former professional tennis player from Switzerland of Czech origin.
- Jakob Eklund
Jakob Anders Eklund (born 21 February 1962) is a Swedish film, television and stage actor.
- Jakob Sigurðarson
Jakob Örn Sigurðarson (born 4 April 1982) is a professional Icelandic basketball player.
- Jakob Cedergren
Jakob Cedergren (born 10 January 1973) is a Swedish-born Danish actor.
- Jakob Augstein
Jakob Augstein (born 28 July 1967) is a German heir, journalist and publisher.
- Jakob Haugaard
Jakob Let Haugaard (born 1 May 1992) is a Danish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for AIK.
Haugaard began his career with Akademisk BK before moving to Danish Superliga side Midtjylland in December 2011.
- Jakob Busk
Jakob Busk Jensen (born 12 September 1993) is a Danish footballer who plays as goalkeeper for Union Berlin.
- Jakob Chychrun
Jakob Chychrun (born March 31, 1998) is a Canadian-American professional ice hockey defenseman currently playing for the Arizona Coyotes of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Jakob Oftebro
Jakob Hoff Oftebro (born 12 January 1986) is a Norwegian actor.
- Jakob Pöltl
Jakob Pöltl (sometimes spelled Jakob Poeltl; German pronunciation: ['ja:kop 'pœltl]; born October 15, 1995) is an Austrian professional basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Jakob Oetama
Dr (HC) Jakob Oetama (born Borobudur village, Magelang 27 September 1931), is an Indonesian senior journalist and also a media tycoon; the co-founder and owner of Kompas Gramedia Group, the largest media group in Indonesia.
- Jakob Novak
Jakob Novak (born 4 March 1998) is a Slovenian football player who plays for NK Celje.
- Jakob Ingebrigtsen
Jakob Ingebrigtsen (born 19 September 2000) is a Norwegian middle-distance runner.
- Jakob Schubert
Jakob Schubert (born December 31, 1990) is an Austrian professional rock climber, sport climber and boulderer.
- Jakob Johnson
Jakob Elijah Johnson (YAH-kop; born 15 December 1994) is an American football fullback for the New England Patriots of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Jakob Numerology: Name Jakob has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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