What does the name Jacobo mean? What is the meaning of the name Jacobo
Meaning of Jacobo: Name Jacobo in the Spanish origin, means A person who believes in God's portection and guidence. Name Jacobo is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jacobo are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Jacobo (Namesakes)
- Jacobo Morales
Jacobo Morales (born 12 November 1934) is a Puerto Rican actor, poet, writer, playwright, filmmaker, and auteur.
- Jacobo Sanz Ovejero
Jacobo Sanz Ovejero (born 10 July 1983), known simply as Jacobo, is a Spanish former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Jacobo Mansilla
Jacobo Mansilla (born June 15, 1987 in Castelli) is an Argentine football midfielder, who plays for Gimnasia y Esgrima de Mendoza.
- Jacobo Borges
Jacobo Borges (born 28 November 1931 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a contemporary, neo-figurative Latin- American artist.
- Jacobo Díaz
Jacobo Díaz Ruiz (born 11 July 1976) is a former professional male tennis player from Spain who retired in 2004.
- Alfredo Jacobo
Alfredo Jacobo Rodríguez (born April 7, 1982) is an Olympic breaststroke swimmer from Mexico.
- Jacobo Ynclán
Jacobo María Ynclán Pajares (born 4 February 1984), known simply as Jacobo, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for CA Pinto as a midfielder.
- Cesar Chavez Jacobo
Cesar Chavez Jacobo is a Dominican professional basketball player.
- Jacobo Campos
Jacobo Campos Piñeiro (born 15 March 1981 in Vigo, Galicia) is a Spanish former footballer who played mainly as a left midfielder.
- Jacobo Sánchez López
Jacobo Sánchez López (born 20 October 1955) is a Mexican politician affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Jacobo Montvelisky
Jacobo Montvelisky (born November 5, 1988) is a Costa Rican photographer and entrepreneur, whose style is marked by and best known for his work in fine art photography and landscape photography.
- Jacobo Angeles
Jacobo Angeles (born March 14, 1973) is a Mexican artisan from San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca who is known for his hand carved and distinctly painted alebrije figures.
- Jacobo González Rodrigáñez
Jacobo González Rodrigáñez (born 25 March 1997), simply known as Jacobo, is a Spanish footballer who plays for Celta de Vigo B. Mainly a right winger, he can also play as a right back.
- Jacobo Kouffati
Jacobo Salvador Kouffati Agostini (Spanish pronunciation: [xaˈkoβo kuˈfati]; born in 30 June 1993) is a Venezuelan association football player who plays as a midfielder.
- Jacobo Garcia
Jacobo Garcia (born October 20, 1972) is a boxer who represents the United States Virgin Islands.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Jacobo Numerology: Name Jacobo has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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