What does the name Jaclyn mean? What is the meaning of the name Jaclyn
Meaning of Jaclyn: Name Jaclyn in the Hebrew origin, means Hebrew - Supplanter; May god Protect; A variant of Jacqueline; Feminine form of James and Jacob. Name Jaclyn is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Jaclyn (Namesakes)
- Jaclyn DeSantis
Jaclyn DeSantis is an American actress.
- Jaclyn Stapp
Jaclyn Nesheiwat Stapp (born July 29, 1980) is a beauty queen, philanthropist and fashion model with pageant roots in Florida and New York.
- Jaclyn Smith
Jacquelyn Ellen "Jaclyn" Smith (born October 26, 1945) is an American actress and businesswoman.
- Jaclyn Raulerson
Jaclyn Frances Raulerson (born August 28, 1990) is an American beauty pageant titleholder from Plant City, Florida who was named Miss Florida 2010.
- Jaclyn Victor
Jaclyn Joshua Thanaraj Victor Rivera (Tamil: ஜக்லின் விக்டொர்; born 4 December 1978), better known by her stage name Jaclyn Victor, is a Malaysian singer, songwriter and actress who won the inaugural Malaysian Idol and Ikon Malaysia.
- Jaclyn Hawkes
Jaclyn Hawkes (born 3 December 1982 in Hong Kong) is a professional squash player who represented New Zealand.
- Jaclyn Jose
Mary Jane Santa Ana Guck (born March 16, 1964), better known by her stage name Jaclyn Jose, is a Filipino cinematic and television actress who has earned international critical acclaim.
- Jaclyn Hales
Jaclyn Hales (born September 4, 1986) is an American actress known for acting in Scents and Sensibility (2011), Unicorn City (2012), Christmas Eve (2015) and Alienate (2016).
- Jaclyn Smith (rower)
Jaclyn Smith (born July 3, 1993 in Mineola, New York) is an American rower.
- Jaclyn Narracott
Jaclyn Narracott (born 5 November 1990) is an Australian skeleton racer who competes on the Skeleton World Cup circuit.
- Jaclyn Corin
Jaclyn Corin (born October 27, 2000) is an American activist against gun violence.
- Jaclyn Betham
Jaclyn Michelle Betham (born July 4, 1986) is an American actress and ballet dancer.
- Jaclyn Stelmaszyk
Jaclyn Stelmaszyk (née Halko, born December 16, 1986) is a world champion Polish Canadian rower.
- Yamha
- Yamaris
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Jaclyn Numerology: Name Jaclyn has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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