What does the name Jack mean? What is the meaning of the name Jack?
Meaning of Jack: Name Jack in the English, French, Hebrew, Latin, Celtic origin, means God is gracious; Supplanter; Holder of the heel; Healthy and Strong. Name Jack is of English, French, Hebrew, Latin, Celtic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jack are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Jack: God is gracious; Supplanter; Holder of the heel; Healthy and Strong
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Famous people with name Jack (Namesakes)
- Jack Huston
Jack Alexander Huston (born 7 December 1982) is an English actor.
- Jack Monroe
Jack Monroe (born 17 March 1988) is a British food writer, journalist and activist known for campaigning on poverty issues, particularly hunger relief.
- Jack Sherman
Jack Sherman (born January 18, 1956) is a guitarist best known as a member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, playing on their debut album.
- Jack Youngblood
Herbert Jackson Youngblood III (born January 26, 1950) is an American former professional football player who was a defensive end for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL) for fourteen seasons during the 1970s and 1980s.
- Jack Casady
John William "Jack" Casady (born April 13, 1944) is an American bass guitarist, best known as a member of Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna.
- Jack Abramoff
Jack Allan Abramoff (; born February 28, 1959) is an American lobbyist, businessman, movie producer and writer.
- New Jack
Jerome Young (born January 3, 1963) is an American semi-retired professional wrestler, better known by his stage name New Jack.
- Jack Ma
Jack Ma, or Ma Yun (Chinese: 马云; [mà y̌n]; born 10 September 1964), is a Chinese business magnate, investor and politician.
- Jack Nicholson
John Joseph Nicholson (born April 22, 1937) is an American actor and filmmaker whose career has spanned more than 60 years.
- Jack Dorsey
- Jack Whitehall
Jack Peter Benedict Whitehall (born 7 July 1988) is an English comedian, television presenter, actor and writer.
- Jack Quaid
Jack Henry Quaid (born April 24, 1992) is an American actor.
- Jack Douglass
John Patrick Douglass (born June 30, 1988), better known online as jacksfilms and Jack Douglass is an American YouTuber, comedian, web-based entertainer, filmmaker and musician.
- JacksGap
JacksGap is a former British YouTube channel run by identical twins Jackson Frayn "Jack" Harries and Finnegan Charles Frayn "Finn" Harries (born 13 May 1993).
- Jack Antonoff
Jack Michael Antonoff (born March 31, 1984) is an American singer, songwriter and record producer.
- Jack Grealish
Jack Peter Grealish (born 10 September 1995) is an English professional footballer who plays as a winger or as an attacking midfielder and captains Premier League club Aston Villa.
- Myles Jack
Myles David Jack (born September 3, 1995) is an American football linebacker for the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL).
- Jack & Jack
Jack & Jack are an American pop-rap duo from Omaha, Nebraska, consisting of Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky, based in Los Angeles, California.
- Jack Garratt
Jack Garratt (born 11 October 1991) is an English singer and songwriter from Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire.
- Alister Jack
Alister William Jack (born 7 July 1963) is a Scottish politician serving as Secretary of State for Scotland since 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Jack Numerology: Name Jack has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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