What does the name Jacinto mean? What is the meaning of the name Jacinto
Meaning of Jacinto: Name Jacinto in the Spanish origin, means A Boy who grows hycintho flowers. Name Jacinto is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jacinto are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jacinto (Namesakes)
- Jacinto Barquín
Jacinto Barquín Rivero (born 3 September 1915) is a Cuban footballer.
- Jacinto Espinoza
Jacinto Alberto Espinoza Castillo (born November 24, 1969 in Bahía de Caráquez) is an Ecuadorian former football goalkeeper.
- Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel
Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel (born 1974, in Málaga, Spain) is a Spanish writer.
- Jacinto Vásquez
Jacinto Vásquez (born January 4, 1944 in Panama) is a retired Hall of Fame thoroughbred jockey.
- Jacinto Pereira
Jacinto Pereira (born December 10, 1974 in Luanda) is a retired Angolan football defender.
- Jacinto Elá
Pedro Jacinto Elá Eyene (born 2 May 1982), known as Elá, is an Equatoguinean retired footballer who played as a right winger.
- Jinny Jacinto
Jinny Jessica Jacinto (born May 8, 1976) is a Canadian contortionist, known for her work with the Cirque du Soleil, her television appearances and her role in the film Satie and Suzanne.
- Ramon Jacinto
Ramón Pereyra Jacinto (born June 3, 1945), best known by his initials RJ , is a Filipino businessman, musician and radio & TV personality.
- Juan Jacinto
Juan Carlos Jacinto Jiménez (born July 2, 1978) is a Dominican judoka, who played for the extra and half lightweight categories.
- Juan Jacinto (musician)
Juan Jacinto is an Argentinian multi-instrument musician, singer/songwriter, drummer, and percussionist based in London, U.K. actively involved in experimental music combining rhythms, melodies, and harmonies from South America.
Jacinto has written, composed, produced and mixed his debut album Cerca Del Cereal, playing all the instruments in it, with some exceptions.
- JC Jacinto
JC Jacinto is a Filipino visual artist.
- Jacinto Navarrete
Jacinto Germán Navarrete Rodríguez (born 1 August 1962) is a retired Colombian athlete who competed in middle-distance and cross-country events.
- Ezequiel Jacinto de Biasi
Ezequiel Jacinto de Biasi (born 22 February 1993), simply known as Ezequiel, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays for Chapecoense as a right back.
- Jacinto Sabinal
Jacinto Sabinal (born 12 August 1942) is a Mexican long-distance runner.
- José Jacinto Hidalgo
José Jacinto Hidalgo (born 4 January 1943) is a Venezuelan sprinter.
- Jacinto González
Jacinto González (born 11 August 1941) is a Cuban basketball player.
- Aradhaya
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Jacinto Numerology: Name Jacinto has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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